Nikrans NS-20K-Voice, 3G & 4G PRO is a new five band cell phone signal booster which improves GSM calls and 4G/ 3G connection.
NS-20K-Voice, 3G & 4G PRO is designed to cover large-sized areas up to 20,000 ft², like supermarkets, parkings, office buildings, etc.
This model works at five different frequencies: 700(A+B) Mhz, 700(C) Mhz, 850 Mhz, 1700/2100 Mhz, 1900 Mhz. Thus it is a universal signal amplifier that boosts all signal types. It´s compatible with the majority of North and South American mobile operators.
NS-20K-Voice, 3G & 4G PRO cell phone signal booster has got a series of innovative features, such as an informative screen with the major data about the system, notes about the possible errors and setup tips. The sleep mode allows saving energy. The automatic gain control adjusts the system performance according to the individual signal reception conditions. Also, the device has got international approval according to which it's secure for humans and the environment.
Purchase this booster right now and have enjoyable 2G, 4G/LTE and 3G even in the area with the weakest mobile signal!
NS-20K-Voice, 3G & 4G PRO cell phone extender for home comes in a full kit which includes 2 antennas, cables and mountings. Installation is an easy process which takes 15-20 minutes and little effort. To make the system work it's only necessary to fix antennas and a booster, connect them with cables and plug the device into a power supply. In 5-7 seconds cellular signals will start improving automatically.
Nikrans NS-20K-Voice, 3G & 4G PRO is what you were looking for to speed up your mobile connection! To get the maximum effect from signal amplification, follow every step described in the manual to install the system correctly.
Our Professional Support Team is always ready to answer all your questions.
Every Nikrans signal booster is 100% safe for the users, domestic animals, gadgets and the environment. That is proven by the international safety certifications CE and RoHS. Read more about certification of Nikrans equipment here.
Integrated user experience
Damien Likwa (Canada, Lloydminster)
My background story was very simple: I moved to another house and discovered that there are actually Rogers signal problems in this neighborhood. No one has told me about that before, because they were afraid I wouldn’t buy the house. So I somehow turned out stuck with Rogers signal issues when I really needed internet for my work. I had good internet at my workplace, but sometimes I needed to work from home as well, and I had to find the solution as soon as possible. MyAmplifiers were the ones who promised me the fastest delivery, and they didn’t let me down.
The best cell phone reception booster I bought because of their recommendation has arrived within a week (actually, a little faster that I’d expect), I managed to install it really quickly, and I have never experienced any Rogers poor signal since then. The manager’s recommendations also were pretty accurate, and the amplifier really satisfied all of my needs and is perfect for the size of my house. I can have stable signal anywhere, even in my bathroom, and even though I don’t really need it in here, I have tested that. Having no problems with Rogers poor coverage is such a pleasure! My work is getting done on time, and I can also have every kind of the most internet-speed consuming leisure activities, like gaming or watching TV series online.
I recommend MyAmplifiers store an their best cell phone reception booster kits to anyone who is having Rogers signal problems, because it’s really the simplest and cheapest solution you would ever find.
Nathan Bitature (Mexico, Delicias)
Telcel poor signal became a problem to me. Before that, the signal I already had was enough, but now I really needed more signal bars and a more stable connection without interruptions and losing connection. I thought that maybe I could boost your cell phone signal somehow to solve this Telcel poor coverage problem in my house, and that’s how I came across MyAmplifiers. After getting a very detailed consultation, I was convinced, and it totally didn’t feel like they were trying to force me or sell to me something too expensive or unnecessary. I bought the NS-20K-Voice, 3G & 4G PRO model that they have recommended to me to boost your cell phone signal, and magic started happening.
Not only my signal went better and Telcel signal issues weren’t issues to me anymore, it also really felt like my devices’ batteries started lasting longer because they didn’t have to waste too much energy trying to “cling” on to the weak signal. It’s not that huge of a difference, but a very pleasant bonus anyway. The booster also helps me save energy by automatically going into sleeping mode when I don’t use it, and I tend to forget to turn things off a lot. That’s why smart and energy-saving devices win my heart at a glance. Telcel signal problems haven’t bothered me since, and my internet connection is currently fast and stable enough for me to cope with everything I do. The signal booster also looks nice and is very compact and comfortable to use.
Vincent Sherlock (United States, Fresno)
In recent weeks I purchased two units from - in hindsight I did not need to do this since one unit would have sufficed but that was a mistake on my part. One unit was to boost my Lycamobile poor signal. I have lived in my present home since 2009 and have not been able to use my mobile phone indoors as a result of Lycamobile poor coverage. This, as you can imagine, has been very frustrating. Having done some more intensive research recently I found myself on the page of MyAmplifiers cell phone boosters for the home and following some time there and a conversation with a very helpful staff member I placed an order. It arrived within days and I had it running within minutes!! The change was immediately noticeable. Just now, I disconnected the unit and took some photos. I think they will demonstrate the situation. (Please note the time on phone - these pictures were taken within five minutes and represent the quality difference made by the cell phone signal booster)
This photo, taken at 2.20pm was taken while booster was still connected. As you can see, it gives a full signal reading and I am able to make and receive calls without difficulty.
I then switched off the power switch on the unit and noticed the bars drop almost immediately to the point where there was no signal at all. At this stage, the phone was unusable for its intended purpose.
On reconnecting the power to the booster, the response on the phone was similar with total bars restored within a very short time of switching on the power.
In my opinion, this is a very clear demonstration of the difference made by the booster and I have to say I am totally satisfied with it. My one regret is that I didn’t get one of cell phone boosters for the home years ago!!
The unit I ordered is the Anytone AT700 which gives extensive coverage. My house is a two storey house (old with very thick walls) and also has a basement. I am now able to use the phone in any room within the house (including basement) and not get annoyed with Lycamobile signal problems all the time
The other unit I ordered (having been very pleased with the first) was to improve my 3G Broadband Signal. We do not have landline broadband available to us where I live (though hopefully this will be resolved at some stage) so I have been using a 3G dongle for some years. It worked but not always at a speed sufficient to usual needs. Again, I will include some photos taken today that show results from with power disabled and enabled:
The model I got to improve 3G Broadband was the Nikrans NS-20K-Voice, 3G & 4G PRO. Again this is working throughout the house ( I am using a 3G wireless router and it is picking the signal from the Nikrans). Speeds are good and have, on occasion, exceeded 5MBS.
In conclusion, I am very happy with these products. Equally I am impressed by the availability and professionalism of the sales staff. Any query I had was replied to very quickly and the questions raised were resolved. I would have no hesitation recommending this line of products to anyone and would do so in the belief that there would be professional and ongoing support provided by
* The reviews are originally posted in authors' native languages. However for customers' convenience we translate them into major European languages. View all »
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