In United Kingdom this booster works with:
A new tri band signal booster LCD-1000GDW is designed to amplify both calls and data at three different frequencies at a time: two bands for phone communication and one 3G band. The LCD screen makes the use of the device efficient and simple.
The coverage area of the booster is quite wide-ranging and reaches 1000 m2 (10760 ft2) and it’s usually installed in large-size buildings, inclusive of many-storeyed offices, commodious houses, cafes, shopping spaces, etc.
This tri band repeater is distinguished by several prominent features, i.e.:
Order this LCD triband repeater and get only pleasure from your communication!
The model LCD-1000GDW comes in a kit fully ready for installation of the system: the amplifying box, an outdoor antenna, two indoor ceiling antennas and one whip antenna, cables of recommended length for connecting all the components together, fixations, power supply and instructions. It will take 15-20minutes to install the repeater without additional help from technicians. As soon as you turn on the cellular booster, it will cover the whole area with excellent signal in 5-7 seconds automatically.
MyAmplifiers strongly recommends reading a user manual before installing a signal booster. There you will find all the installation steps, antennas setup tips, troubleshooting and general recommendations for simple installation and effective usage of the booster.
Nikrans LCD-1000GDW cell phone antenna booster is a perfect solution to your signal problem, if you long for stable connections in your area.
Our Professional Support Team is always ready to answer all your questions.
Every Nikrans signal booster is 100% safe for the users, domestic animals, gadgets and the environment. That is proven by the international safety certifications CE and RoHS. Read more about certification of Nikrans equipment here.
Integrated user experience
Luis Filletti (Malta)
To solve problems with GO poor coverage near my house, I had to buy a signal repeater. I tried a couple of them in the past, but they did not work so well, unfortunately, and I had to look for another option. And MyAmplifiers is so far the best that I’ve found. GO poor signal in my house is now very well amplified and turned into smooth and stable one. The booster is a very small device and looks pretty good. It doesn’t ruin the design of my room and doesn’t require lots of wires that would be difficult to hide or stretch through the walls or windows. I actually placed it inside my bedroom and I don’t face any health problems at all. No sleeping problems, no headaches, no dry air or overheating and no annoying noises. So, I guess, it’s really a safe thing to use and put anywhere you need.
A big surprise for me was the fact that the walls won’t stop the mobile booster signal, and GO signal problems will disappear not only in the bedroom, but in every other room as well, and the signal would be very strong and stable there as well, not worse than near the booster. The mobile booster signal range is big enough for my whole house and even a little part of the terrace, where I placed my garden chairs. This is a really convenient thing.
Matej Blazic (Slovenia, Kokrica)
The calls started to interrupt and drop, and internet connection was much slower from time to time, which annoyed us all a lot. We agreed that the chosen tariff was the best one for us all, and it would be really inconvenient and maybe more expensive to change it all for something else. So we decided to look for a possible way to boost signal by ourselves or any other kind of way to solve A1 Slovenia signal problems, and we found it.
MyAmplifiers store was exactly what we were looking for. Friendly customer service, detailed information and low adequate prices. We liked it a lot and decided to make a purchase in this store. Turned out it absolutely wasn’t a bad decision. The Nikrans 4G signal boosters are small, looks nice and is easy to put together. We had absolutely no troubles with that and/or locating it in the house. MyAmplifiers’ signal booster works very well throughout the whole house, in every room, and neither the walls or metal doors nor the A1 Slovenia poor coverage due to the construction site nearby aren’t the problems to this device. It does what it’s meant to do: boost signal for us, and it does it great. Our internet connection is now good, and no calls are missed. Nobody among my family or my neighbors have noticed any A1 Slovenia poor signal since the installation of the booster.
Kyle Vogeler (Nevada, USA/ Costa Rica)
I bought an Internet booster from another company with the assurance it would work in Costa Rica cos I have Claro poor signal there. I took it there from the States to find it did not work. They sold me the wrong system for the CR frequencies. I hauled it back to the States and returned it. That’s when I discovered Their team was a great help in finding the right Internet booster for resolving my Claro signal issues. It’s now installed and working great. Thanks so much to Anna and the team for getting me set up correctly.
Great 4G booster, great shipping and most of all great customer support.
* The reviews are originally posted in authors' native languages. However for customers' convenience we translate them into major European languages. View all »
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