In United Kingdom this booster works with:
The Nikrans LCD250-GSM+4G is an advanced booster to simultaneously improve the quality of phone calls and 3G/4G Internet access provided by most carriers. This model has undergone rigorous factory testing and is certified with CE and RoHS standards. The installation process is a breeze and doesn't necessitate any special technical knowledge. You will be able to check it very soon as we start delivering process the next day after your order by contacting express delivery services such as DHL, FedEx, EMS and others.
The device is able to cover about 250m² (2700ft²), so it’s recommended for private houses, cafés, shops, studios and other middle-sized premises.
The LCD250-GSM+4G supports 900 MHz used for calls throughout the EU and UK, and one of the most popular 4G LTE band 800 MHz that ensures stable and strong connection for most European and Asian providers. The booster will also improve your 3G signal, if your provider supports 3G at 900 MHz frequency, or even 5G signal, since some carriers, for example, Vodafone and O2 in the UK, use 900 MHz for deployment of 5G networks.
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In short, this model is an all-in-one amplifier, capable of improving both voice calls and 5G, 4G, 3G Internet. However, you need to check the frequencies used by your operator.
Among the advantages of this amplifier are the following:
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The Nikrans signal amplifier comes ready for setup. The kit includes a booster box, an outdoor antenna, two indoor antennas (a whip one and a ceiling one), coaxial cables to connect all the elements, and mounting accessories. In large rooms or in two-floor buildings two indoor antennas are very convenient, as they can be fixed in different places for uniform coverage. The installation is simple and fast – it takes about half an hour, and no special knowledge is required.
FREE Lightning Surge Protector (€30 value)
The lightning surge protector is delivered with each set of LCD250 GSM+4G free of charge. This way you get the opportunity to save about 30 euros, because lightning protection is very important for the good operation of the mobile signal booster. This will protect your device's outdoor antenna from lightning strikes. The surge protector comes with a grounding wire and is installed in-line between the amplifier and the external antenna. Thus, one end is screwed to the cable connector coming from the signal amplifier and the other to the external antenna. The lightning surge protector is highly recommended for those customers who live in areas with frequent thunderstorms.
The installation is simple and fast – it takes about 15-20 minutes, and no special knowledge is required. Just follow the instructions provided with this model and you will get the result effortlessly. To use the LCD250 GSM+4G LTE effectively, we recommend installing the outdoor antenna in a spot with relatively stable and strong signal reception.
The cellular connection gets amplified in 5 seconds after switch-on of the booster, and you will be able to phone or surf the Internet without interruptions. The number of mobile devices that can benefit from the enhanced signal is not limited.
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The LCD250 GSM+4G LTE is the best way to boost voice connections and 4G Internet! In addition, you will also be able to get access to 5G Internet on your smartphones, on condition that your operator transmits a 5G signal in the 800 or 900 MHz frequency bands.
Our Professional Support Team is always ready to help you in choosing and buying the amplifiers according to your needs. For that just contact us!
Every Nikrans signal booster is 100% safe for the users, domestic animals, gadgets and the environment. That is proven by the international safety certifications CE and RoHS. Read more about certification of Nikrans equipment here.
Integrated user experience
Ella Boe (Denmark, Brande)
Greetings from Denmark! We live in a very nice place – in Brande that is known for its street art. A lot of people like our town and so do I. But I used to have one thing that I really hate – my house used to be affected by TDC poor coverage. We had TDC poor GSM signal (it was possible to catch it from time to time but quite often it didn’t allow us to make any calls at all) and we had serious TDC 4G signal problems. It was a disaster for us. We are a young family; we work a lot (sometimes we need to make calls for our business purposes from home), we have a lot of friends (that’s why we need to stay in touch with them) and without any doubts we need to stay in contact with our parents.
But as you understand all our plans for communication were significantly spoilt by TDC signal issues. Nevertheless, thanks to our mobile signal booster that we ordered on this website, our life has changed. We ordered LCD250-GSM+4G with a view to improve our GSM and 4G signals. And we have achieved our goal!
Derek Esch (Germany, Bad Arolsen)
MyAmplifiers team did a great job! I had no idea how to choose signal amplifiers and which one should I get, and they recommended me the perfect signal booster to solve my Deutsche Telekom signal problems, since I was experiencing Deutsche Telekom poor signal in my house. Though the house is pretty small and the walls aren’t so thick, cell phone signal somehow wasn’t getting inside, and I also had troubles with internet. I had good reception outside my house, but, obviously, I couldn’t stay outdoors all day. Inside the house I could barely make a call, and I always had to get closer to windows, try to go outside, go up the stairs, and it wasn’t helping with Deutsche Telekom poor signal much. Someone gave me an advice that I should try out signal boosters, because they’re way cheaper than changing the operator, and switching operators might not even work.
After I purchased an amplifier, the situation has changed for the better. Now I have stable signal inside my house as well. I can walk around the house with my phone without worrying that I will lose signal and the call will drop, and I don’t have to search for the spot where the reception is a little above zero.
James Moore (Ireland, Portroe)
The cell phone reception booster for home works well; I finally manage to use my 4G internet at home. I went from 1 bar and sometimes 2 bars to have constant 4 bars and if the weather permits even 5 bars! I had been searching for a solution to my Eircom poor signal for quite a time before finally decided to order one from MyAmplifiers range and try it. In any case it wouldn’t get worse. The installation took me some time however, mainly because of the outdoor antenna – had to change several places. The rest was pretty much simple. I love it! If you have poor Eircom coverage and if you want better, I recommend this cell phone reception booster for home because it works great!* The reviews are originally posted in authors' native languages. However for customers' convenience we translate them into major European languages. View all »
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