In United Kingdom this booster works with:
Nikrans LCD500-4G PRO is a booster for improving 4G coverage mainly in the countries of the European Union, as well as in Asia and Africa. The device will provide a reinforced 4G LTE signal in the 800 and 2600 MHz frequency bands, thus ensuring stable operation of all mobile applications, including online video streaming, online games, chat rooms, etc. The model, along with all our equipment, is certified by CE and RoHS and meets strict quality standards during and after manufacture. The installation process is easy and doesn't require any special technical knowledge, so there's no need to worry about it. We ship the booster the next day after the order and use express delivery services such as DHL, FedEx, EMS and others.
The Nikrans LCD500-4G PRO booster covers up to 500 m² (5300 ft²). It can be effectively used in a house with several floors. In this case consider using an additional indoor antenna for equal signal distribution among floors. The LCD500-4G PRO is an excellent way to acquire perfect 4G data coverage in large buildings, restaurants, offices, etc.
The booster operates at 800 MHz and 2600 MHz frequencies. They are used for 4G networks that provide the Internet on your smartphones. 800 and 2600 MHz are respectively the lowest and highest frequencies used by European operators for the distribution of 4G. A high-quality 4G signal allows for web browsing, video and voice calls, online games and other everyday activities on your mobile gadgets. By purchasing LCD500-4G PRO, you ensure stable reception of your mobile phone and get reliable 4G Internet at the frequency bands that are most used for 4G distribution.
Need more technical details? Download Data Sheet
In short, the LCD-500-4G PRO is designed to enhance 4G Internet access in the main 4G frequencies of 800 and 2600 MHz.
The LCD500-4G PRO is an easy and reliable solution thanks to:
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The LCD500-4G PRO installation won’t require any technical knowledge from you. The result can be easily obtained by following the instructions provided with this model. Complete mounting of the system will take about 15-20 minutes.
The signal is amplified 5-7 seconds after the booster is turned on. The LCD500-4G PRO distributes the improved signal between all mobile gadgets in its coverage area, so their number is not limited.
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The LCD500-4G PRO is a good choice for those who need to make their 4G Internet connection more reliable. The model amplifies the signal transmitted in the 800 and 2600 MHz frequency bands, which are the most popular frequencies used by European operators for 4G distribution.
Our Technical Experts are always ready to help you choose and buy boosters according to your needs. For that, just contact us!
Every Nikrans signal booster is 100% safe for the users, domestic animals, gadgets and the environment. That is proven by the international safety certifications CE and RoHS. Read more about certification of Nikrans equipment here.
Integrated user experience
Arend Digman (Denmark, Torsted)
After I finished my studying, I had to move back in with my parents, and it turned out they have TDC signal problems at their house. They are the subscribers of a different mobile operator so they never noticed that, but I am using TDC 4G internet, and TDC poor coverage started bothering me very much. I use internet a lot because I work as a freelancer, and I need lots of things to be done really fast and in time, and TDC signal issues can make that hard to happen. I discussed this with my parents, and we decided to buy a cellular phone booster for home and install it in my room.
The choice fell on MyAmplifiers, because I have heard about this company before. And after I made a purchase, everything got better immediately. Not only I am able to use 4G internet in my own room, but in every other room of our house as well, including the basement, where I sometimes like to hang out when I work. And not only can I work fast and receive all the messages on time, but also watch every movie I want, play online games anywhere in the house and make videocalls. That’s how amazingly good the signal has become with the help of the cellular phone booster for home.
Lenard and Maria Weisel (United Kingdom, Cannich)
We live in a small private house in a rural area in Cannich. And together with our neighbors we have noticed that we have Delight Mobile 4G poor signal both outside and inside of our houses. And while there were no significant problems with simple GSM calls, our mobile internet was terrible. Or it is better to say that there was no mobile internet at all. Our mobile operator could do nothing about it and we were left alone with our Delight Mobile signal problems.
Frankly speaking, I was ready to give up as I had no ideas whether any tools to deal with Delight Mobile signal issues exist. But then one our neighbor ordered his best cell signal booster on this web site. And we were really surprised but the difference was obvious! Thanks to this small booster box with two antennas his mobile phone could receive a very strong Delight Mobile 4G signal.
Our family also decided to follow his example and buy such a magic device. We bought our best cell signal booster LCD500-4G-PRO as it distributes the improved signal across the area of 500 m2. Now we can use our speedy 4G internet not only in the house but also in the yard.
You can contact MyAmplifiers with any questions and they can always provide their assistance. Thank you for your work!
Fabien Moret (France, Mouaville)
Thank you for the best cell phone antenna booster LCD500-4G-PRO that is able to improve 4G signals of several mobile operators simultaneously!
I always need to stay in touch with my clients and business partners that’s why Free mobile poor coverage is really a terrific obstacle for me to do my business. I needed to find a way out to overcome Free signal issues. There were no significant problems with GSM network but I needed to have speedy 4G mobile internet access. It is a must in my job. I knew that today it is possible to improve Free poor signal with special mobile signal boosters and I was ready to buy it. But not only Free mobile signal problems disturbed us, my girlfriend who uses Orange mobile services also couldn’t enjoy speedy mobile internet due to Orange poor coverage.
Honestly speaking, I was not sure whether there could be one device to boost signals of different mobile operators. Nevertheless, on MyAmplifiers web site we managed to find ur best cell phone antenna booster LCD500-4G-PRO that is able not only to help me to solve my mobile signal problems but also to help my girlfriend to deal with Orange mobile signal issues. I think it is more than just great!
* The reviews are originally posted in authors' native languages. However for customers' convenience we translate them into major European languages. View all »
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