NS-12K-Voice, 3G & 4G PRO booster efficiently improves all types of a cell phone signal - 2G, 4G/LTE and 3G. The device is compatible with the leading US cell phone providers (Verizon, Sprint) and those from Latin America as well.
NS-12K-Voice, 3G & 4G PRO covers large areas up to 12000 ft²). The device is recommended for large places like supermarkets, office buildings, houses with several floors, parking lots, etc.
The working frequencies of the model are 700(A+B) Mhz, 700(C) Mhz, 850 Mhz, 1700/2100 Mhz, 1900 Mhz.
NS-12K-Voice, 3G & 4G PRO is the best signal solution due to its following advantages:
Get easy access to your mobile network with our band cell phone repeaterNikrans NS-12K-Voice, 3G & 4G PRO!
Installation of the booster for 2G, 4G, 3G signal is easy even for those who are not engineers. You only need to mount the booster and connect it with cables from antennas. You will spend only 15-20 minutes on everything. As soon as the amplifier starts working it will cover the whole area with perfect connections.
This cell phone repeater is the best signal solution for your area to get maximum bars!
Five band cell phone repeater Nikrans NS-12K-Voice, 3G & 4G PRO doesn’t harm human health. It’ll effectively boost your signals on the condition that you’ve installed the device correctly. For that, please, consult the user manual.
Our Technical Expert Team are always ready to provide you with any necessary information about boosters.
Every Nikrans signal booster is 100% safe for the users, domestic animals, gadgets and the environment. That is proven by the international safety certifications CE and RoHS. Read more about certification of Nikrans equipment here.
Integrated user experience
Wendy Morea (Papua New Guinea, Popondetta)
There are still a number of troubles with mobile network infrastructure in our country but problems with Digicel poor signal in some concrete locations can be easily solved just with the help of mobile signal boosters. We are rather lucky; we have never had any Digicel signal issues in our house but our mobile internet always used to be a disaster. But as many people nowadays we desperately wanted to use it without any limitations and restrictions. Digicel signal problems became really unbearable for us.
So, we decided to install a mobile signal booster to improve cell phone signal. On MyAmplifiers web site we decided to order such a device. We didn’t know which model of all the available boosters would be better for us. But MyAmplifiers customer support manager advised us to install NS-12K-Voice, 3G & 4G PRO as this device can improve cell phone signal Digicel 4G even if it is too weak in your location.
We ordered this booster and as far as we see now it was a good choice! It really helps us! Thank you, MyAmplifiers team, we are so happy that we decided to buy this device! Moreover, thank you for your excellent recommendations. We really appreciate your assistance and your devoted work. Thank you!
Corey Imrie (New Zealand, Palmerston)
Spark 4G poor signal didn’t let me use my mobile internet at all: no messages, no video calls, no listening to music online or watching videos and films. To tell the truth, I was not ready for Spark poor coverage. I really wanted to boost cell reception 4G!
When I was trying to find the reasons of my Spark mobile signal problems, I found out that they may have appeared due to some infrastructural peculiarities, nevertheless, today it is already possible to reduce the impact of bad mobile infrastructure. And it is possible to do with the help of mobile signal boosters. And of course, I decided to use this chance.
I found MyAmplifiers web site (It was quite occasionally! I was just googling for some variants but when I saw this web site I understood that it could become the most appropriate company to deal with). The client support manager attentively listened to the description of my problems and advised to install NS-12K-Voice, 3G & 4G PRO to boost cell reception of 4G Internet at my place. And now I have this device in my house! And I am absolutely satisfied! It is cool and effective! Thank you, guys!
Ruben Unanue (Panama, La Chorrera)
No one in our office has ever experienced any Movistar signal problems anymore since we bought a signal repeater from MyAmplifiers to boost cell phone reception. This is a good store with amazing customer service and lots of necessary information provided honestly in public about how that works, what can be the reasons of Movistar poor signal (and other operators as well) and many more. Lots of online sellers hide information, overprice their products or try to sell you as much unnecessary stuff as possible, but not this one. We are very much satisfied with the signal amplifier and the way it works. We needed help with Movistar poor coverage in the neighborhood where our office building was located, because we had slow internet connection and had troubles with chats, uploading information and spreading important news.
After we bought and (very conveniently) installed the amplifier that didn’t have many uncomfortable wires at all, we managed to boost cell phone reception and, as a result, our internet connection is excellent and we are able to do anything we need from any device. Any quantity of devices can be supported by one booster without them losing internet speed and quality, and this is absolutely amazing. The booster is very low-maintenance: we don’t have to turn it off every time or tune it somehow when the signal outside is getting weaker. It’s absolutely self-adjustable and switches to sleeping mode automatically when no one is using it.
I ordered NS-12K-Voice, 3G & 4G PRO three months ago and I am fully satisfied with my choice. Earlier I hardly ever could make a call, now I always have 4-5 bars and enjoy the stable connection. I’ve already recommended this device to all my neighbors who have similar problems.
I want to express my special gratitude to Alex who provided me with excellent professional advice regarding the installation process. So, if you also have any doubts on how to install it, I think that the managers will help you without any problems;)
* The reviews are originally posted in authors' native languages. However for customers' convenience we translate them into major European languages. View all »
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