Nikrans LCD250C+4G is a cell phone booster with LCD screen used to amplify connections for mobile carriers in the USA, Canada and South America.
This lcd booster covers the area of up to 250 m2 (2700 ft2) and perfectly fits middle-sized places like private houses, large offices, restaurants, supermarkets, etc.
The device operates at 850MHz + 1700/2100 MHz frequency bands.
The cell phone booster Nikrans LCD250C+4G intensifies cellular signals for voice calls and LTE 4G internet for major US and Canada providers. Most providers also use the 850 MHz band for 3G. If yours is not an exception, you will also get reliable 3G as a bonus.
LCD250C+4G indoor cell phone booster is a reliable solution if you suffer from poor coverage thanks to:
Place an order now and get pleasure from constant voice and 4G LTE signal reception!
Installation is easy as the repeater is a simple plug-and-play device. You don’t need to adjust the equipment, just mount the booster and antennas in the appropriate places and connect them with cables. It will take about 20 minutes to complete the mounting and after switch-on signal will improve in 5 seconds.
You can install the booster in any area with any kind of interior as it’s quite small and it won’t be too noticeable there.
When the cell phone booster is working it won’t do harm to users’ health.
Nikrans LCD-250C+4G indoor cell phone booster is a really effective way to solve dropped calls and slow Internet 3G! To take the maximum advantage of the device, follow the setup guidance described in the user manual. And please, note the necessity to meet safety measures.
Write or call our Technical Professionals if you have any questions or suggestions.
Every Nikrans signal booster is 100% safe for the users, domestic animals, gadgets and the environment. That is proven by the international safety certifications CE and RoHS. Read more about certification of Nikrans equipment here.
Integrated user experience
Carlos Hinojos (Ecuador, Quito)
We live in Ecuador, not far from one of the largest its cities called Quito. We are Claro subscribers. In general, we always were quite satisfied with the quality of the mobile services that we received. But there is one very significant problem: our house is located in the area of Claro poor coverage. It means that earlier when we didn’t know about mobile signal repeaters we couldn’t use mobile services at home. Claro poor signal prevented us from staying in touch with our relatives and friends. It was really difficult to go outside each time when we needed to make a call or to send a message. It was crazy! Claro signal problems were a real disaster for our family.
There was no 3G or 4G signal in our house but what is more there was no even GSM signal. We needed to improve all types of signal at once, otherwise there was a serious risk for us to stay without mobile communication with our nearest and dearest.
But thanks to MyAmplifiers, we could find a perfect device called LCD-250C+4G. It is able to improve GSM, 3G and 4G Claro mobile signals. That’s exactly want we needed. After we installed our mobile signal booster, we really understood how excellent mobile connection could be!
Thank you, My Amplifiers! We are really happy that we have managed to find you!
Alejandro Florin (Peru, Huaraz)
But in our house Movistar poor signal was the only signal that could be caught by our mobile phones (and sometimes there was no signal at all). We couldn’t make calls, we couldn’t receive them, the same was true about messages and data exchange. For several years we were trying to tolerate with our Movistar signal problems but then it became obvious that we couldn’t bear them anymore. Of course, sometimes it was possible to postpone communication with our friends, for example, but we didn’t want to tolerate with a lack of opportunity to stay in touch with our elderly parents who live rather far away and may need our help.
When we were discussing with our friends our desire to find a solution for Movistar poor coverage, one our friend mentioned that he had heard something about mobile signal boosters that could be installed in buildings with poor mobile signal coverage with a view to improve the quality of signal. We found several companies offering these devices, but we liked MyAmplifiers and its terms most of all. Now we are using our LCD-250C+4G at home and we don’t have any problems with Movistar GSM, 3G and 4G signals anymore.
Alex Lince (Colombia, Tunja)
When I first contacted MyAmplifiers and told their manager I had serious Claro signal problems, we figured out together what could the source of the problem be, and the manager offered me the cellular network booster that would fit my needs (and I needed to amplify GSM, 3G and 4G signal for all my family members and their devices). I honestly didn’t think it was possible, but it turned out they have models that are able to do that. After I made a purchase, it arrived in four days, which really surprised me, because I was expecting to wait for it for weeks, as it usually happens with online sellers. And after that I easily installed the cellular network booster by myself, following the user guide they put into the package: I put the outside antenna close to the rooftop of my cottage and connected it all with a couple of wires. It was really easy and even kind of fun – who doesn’t like to feel like a super-engineer? And after that my Claro poor signal was gone forever. I haven’t experienced any issues ever since, and my family is enjoying fast and reliable connection 24/7. We can make calls without going upstairs or outside, we can use the internet anywhere in our house, including bathrooms, and no matter how many devices we use, the signal isn’t getting weaker. I definitely recommend MyAmplifiers to everyone with Claro signal issues!
* The reviews are originally posted in authors' native languages. However for customers' convenience we translate them into major European languages. View all »
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