Nikrans NS-3000-Voice, 3G & 4G PRO is a 5 band cell phone signal repeater for cellular signal improvement of North and South American networks.
NS-3000-Voice, 3G & 4G PRO cellular phone signal booster has the coverage area of up to 3000 ft². It will suit different kinds of small to medium indoor areas.
The model operates at 700(A+B) Mhz, 700(C) Mhz, 850 Mhz, 1700/2100 Mhz, 1900 Mhz frequencies and amplifies both cellular signals for voice calls and 4G LTE / 3G data transmission. This repeater supports such US operators as Verizon, T-Mobile, Sprint, AT&T, etc. as well as other operators of both Americas.
You will boost 2G, 4G, 3G signals with this mobile booster efficiently due to its following benefits:
The cellular phone signal booster allows endless number of users speaking on the phone at a time when the booster is on. The signal will be spread over the area among all mobile phones which are working.
Make an order of NS-3000-Voice, 3G & 4G PRO and improve your carrier connections for perfect calls and 4G/3G Internet!
The booster is easy to install and use. You will manage all the mounting on your own in 15-20 minutes. Pay your attention that you should turn on the booster only after you connect antennas with it. No additional adjustments are necessary as the signal will be improved already in a few seconds after the system is turned on.
Nikrans NS-3000-Voice, 3G & 4G PRO is completely safe for its users.
The design of NS-3000-Voice, 3G & 4G PRO is modern and simple. It also has rather compact dimensions, so that it won’t be too visible in any interior.
Nikrans NS-3000-Voice, 3G & 4G PRO is the best way to boost cellular connections for your mobile provider! The device comes with a user manual that describes in detail every installation and usage step.
If you still have any questions or hesitations on the booster write or call our Technical Professionals.
Every Nikrans signal booster is 100% safe for the users, domestic animals, gadgets and the environment. That is proven by the international safety certifications CE and RoHS. Read more about certification of Nikrans equipment here.
Integrated user experience
Rose Illanes (Chile, Santiago)
I live in Santiago, Chile. And I would like to tell you about the main pluses of using mobile phone booster which I purchased at MyAmplifiers not so long ago. To start with I would like to mention that I bought the amplifier on my daughter’s advice in order to boost Entel poor reception in our family restaurant. This is a two stored building. While Entel signal is quite good on the ground floor, it is just awful in the basement part of the building. The reason for Entel poor coverage there is rooted in thick walls and underground location.
I am a little bit far from advanced technologies as I always pay more attention to the cuisine and services provided in the restaurant. But my daughter told me that because of Entel signal problems young people don’t like to spend time in my restaurant. So she persuaded me to install signal booster. We visited MyAmplifiers and at first we couldn’t decide which model to choose. Then we consulted a manager who clarified all the details and purposes and advised us to select Nikrans NS-3000-Voice, 3G & 4G PRO, the best cell phone repeater model with the coverage area of up to 3000 ft2 which is enough even for the both floors of the restaurant. The model functions at all our frequencies so we use it to amplify both connection during voice calls and 3G data transmission. My recommendations for this best cell phone repeater from Nikrans.
Ben Neatherd (USA, Gibbonsville)
Due to T-Mobile poor coverage, our mobile phones were unable to receive any GSM or 3G signal, as a result we couldn’t receive or make calls. It doesn’t sound great, does it?
We really didn’t know whether we could do anything with our T-Mobile signal problems but thanks to one our friend we changed our mind. He gave us a link to MyAmplifiers site where we bought our mobile signal booster. We chose an advanced model – NS-3000-Voice, 3G & 4G PRO indoor cellular signal booster as we absolutely needed good connectivity for our summer house. It can boost T-Mobile GSM, 3G signals which is really enough for us. The price was very affordable that’s why we didn’t need too much time to take a decision.
We installed our signal booster and now we don’t have any problems when we need to call somebody. Moreover, we don’t miss any calls due to poor mobile connection. The device is just perfect!
I also want to express our gratitude to MyAmplifiers team. You are real professionals. Thank you for everything you are doing for your clients. I think that all your customers highly appreciate the way you build communication with them and all the steps that you make for facilitation of all the processes related to delivery and payment for the indoor cellular signal booster. Thank you once again!
Tristan Franquez (Guam, Talofofo )
In my case (I live in Guam and use IT&E mobile services) I used to suffer from IT&E poor coverage at home. So, IT&E mobile signal issues prevented me from receiving and making calls, as well as from using 3G mobile internet. In my office or in many public places like shops or cafes I didn’t have any IT&E signal problems but at home IT&E poor signal was slowly driving me crazy. And I realized that it was really necessary to find something that would help me improve cellular reception.
And MyAmplifiers became my lifesaver! On this web site I managed to find a great signal booster that is designed to solve problems just like mine. NS-3000-Voice, 3G & 4G PRO seemed to be the best variant for me! It can boost weak GSM and 3G IT&E signals in my region. Though I had many doubts, I decided that it was necessary at least to try. So, I ordered this booster and now I know for sure that it is more than just perfect! It really works! Now after I managed to improve cellular reception, calls and mobile internet activities do not represent any problems for me when I am at home! I am just happy!
* The reviews are originally posted in authors' native languages. However for customers' convenience we translate them into major European languages. View all »
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