Cell phone signal booster Nikrans NS-20K-Voice, 3G & 4G improves voice calls and 3G network coverage provided by the US carriers.
The model spreads amplified signal all over any indoor area of up to 20000 ft².
NS-20K-Voice, 3G & 4G functions at 850MHz and 1900MHz frequencies. The booster will amplify the voice and 4G/3G network of major mobile providers as Verizon, AT&T Mobility, etc.
The booster's benefits:
Choose this cell phone repeater and talk on the phone or surf mobile 4G LTE and 3G Internet more conveniently!
The installation is really easy and takes as little as 15-20 minutes. After you mount the whole system and plug the booster power adapter into the socket mobile signal will reach the maximum in 5-7 seconds.
The mobile signal repeater is considered to be safe for humans who use it.
With Nikrans NS-20K-Voice, 3G & 4G you won’t suffer from scarce 2G and 3G/ 4G signals any more! To get the maximum phone and Internet amplification, make sure that the device is set up correctly and all the safety measures are met.
Our Technical Specialists are always glad to answer all your questions by email, skype or on the phone.
Every Nikrans signal booster is 100% safe for the users, domestic animals, gadgets and the environment. That is proven by the international safety certifications CE and RoHS. Read more about certification of Nikrans equipment here.
Integrated user experience
Gabriel Urzaiz (Venezuela, Choroni)
I bought the booster NIKRANS NS-20K-Voice, 3G & 4G to boost your cell signal Digicel in my villa situated on the outskirts of the coastal mountain range in the village of Choroni, located in Aragua, Venezuela. This place is extremely popular with tourists due to Choroni beach. So quite often my villa is rented by them. My visitors often used to complain about Digicel signal problems and as you can guess their stay wasn’t as much pleasant as they would like it to be. So I bought and installed Nikrans repeater with a view to satisfy my customers.
The model I have chosen is suitable for my villa as it is able to boost Digicel poor coverage on the area up to 20000 ft2. And it is fully compatible with Digicel network. The shipping was very fast and I am delighted with the kit as it includes everything necessary for the set up and for the effective work of the device. Actually I managed to install the booster on my own using the manual included in the kit and it took me less than an hour. The device started to boost your cell signal Digicel as soon as I plugged it in. So far there have been no Digicel signal issues in the villa, the booster works without interruptions and errors.
Miguel Enache (Honduras, Gualjoco)
Our story is quite usual and I think that 85% of all owners of mobile signal boosters have faced with similar problems. Living in a rural area, we used to suffer from Tigo poor coverage. And sometimes inside the building it was absolutely impossible to enjoy mobile services. If we needed to make a call, we needed to go outdoors and try to catch sufficient mobile signal.
Yes, Tigo poor signal at home was becoming more and more irritating. And the best idea that came to my mind was to ask Google. I began searching for any available ways to get the best cell phone reception Tigo and rather quickly I found this web site. Initially, all these devices seemed rather complicated for me and I really didn’t know whether I would manage to use it. But then I read practically all the information published on the site and understood that all my fears were rather silly. Without any problems I chose the most appropriate variant for my family (it was MA-500C that can boost GSM and 3G Tigo signals) and made an order.
Dear friends, just believe me this device has changed my understanding of mobile communication. Only thanks to my mobile signal booster we managed to get the best cell phone reception and have understood how amazing mobile communication could be!
Isabella Teres (Colombia, Sopó)
Many people in Colombia complain about poor mobile signal coverage in some remote or rural areas. And I also appeared among those who were enforced to complain. Due to Virgin Mobile poor coverage (and namely, Virgin Mobile GSM and 3G poor signals) in our neighborhood, I couldn’t use mobile services at home. At the moment I don’t work, I stay at home with my small children, so, I really need to have good mobile connection. It is really important for me and for the whole our family.
Virgin Mobile signal issues were unbearable, I even couldn’t make a call, without even mentioning usage of mobile internet services. The more I tried to get accustomed to Virgin Mobile signal problems, the more I understood that I wouldn’t manage to do it. My husband discussed these problems with his colleagues and they advised him to visit MyAmplifiers web site.
So, one day I visited MyAmplifiers page and understood that a phone booster for home can be exactly the tool to overcome mobile signal issues that we were looking for. We had a difficult task for our potential booster, as I wanted to improve both GSM and 3G signals. Nevertheless, there was such a device! MA-500C phone booster for home became my choice and irreplaceable helper! Now mobile communication is not a problem for me.
* The reviews are originally posted in authors' native languages. However for customers' convenience we translate them into major European languages. View all »
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