Nikrans NS-12K-Voice, 3G & 4G is an innovative signal repeater for cell phones used to amplify GSM, 4G LTE and 3G signals in the countries of the North and South Americas.
The coverage area of this model is 12 000 ft², which is suitable for large places like offices, supermarkets, large private houses, etc.
This Nikrans booster supports 850 MHz and 1900 MHz frequencies. It works with GSM, 4G and 3G networks.
This model is the best signal amplification solution thanks to:
Choose Nikrans NS-12K-Voice, 3G & 4G repeater for cell phone reception and forget about dropped calls and inaccessible areas at home or at work!
After the order you’ll get the gsm repeater in a full kit with antennas and cables so that you won’t need to buy anything extra. You´ll also don’t have to bear any additional expenses on technicians as the installation process is really easy and takes just 15-20 minutes. After you connect the booster with antennas and cables, turn it on and enjoy communication.
The repeater is safe for humans and prolongs your battery life which gets weaker because of permanent signal search.
Nikrans NS-12K-Voice, 3G & 4G cell phonу repeater is what will help you to receive and make calls/sms with pleasure! To get smooth calls and Internet quality, the installation must be performed in accordance with the manual.
If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact our Technical Experts on the phone, by email or skype. They will also be glad to help with a correct booster choice.
Every Nikrans signal booster is 100% safe for the users, domestic animals, gadgets and the environment. That is proven by the international safety certifications CE and RoHS. Read more about certification of Nikrans equipment here.
Integrated user experience
Brian Distler (Nicaragua, Jinotega)
I moved to a small apartment in a big high-rise building and figured out that I was having CooTel poor coverage inside. I have a different internet provider, so I have no problems with internet, but anyone who tries to call me on the call phone complained that I was always out of reach, my phone was outside the coverage zone, and when they could call me, they could hear me very poorly and the calls were always dropping because of CooTel signal issues. That was very annoying, and I wanted to boost your phone signal, so I started looking for options. Changing the operator wasn’t easy and cheap, changing the apartment was very stupid, so I came up with another idea and searched for a signal amplifier. And I found one that could boost your phone signal.
When the amplifier arrived, I put together all the parts very easily, placed the outer antenna outside my window, connected it to the booster box and put it in my living room, and it all worked out. I started receiving high-quality calls, I could hear everyone perfectly and those who called me could hear me very well too. CooTel poor signal was gone and forgotten, and now, thanks to MyAmplifiers store and the manager who helped me so much, I can enjoy modern life and use my phone as much as I want to.
Sam Weller (Australia, Bathurst)
When I moved to a new flat and saw that GoTalk poor coverage would become a real obstacle for me, I was ready to change the flat, really. But then I understood that nobody could guarantee that I wouldn’t face with some GoTalk signal issues in my new flat No.2. So, I decided to try to improve cellular signal. By, the way I had GoTalk signal problems only with 3G network signal, with GSM signal everything was okay.
Thanks to MyAmplifiers, this variant was successfully found and GoTalk 3G poor signal was successfully improved. On MyAmplifiers website, I managed to find NS-12K-Voice, 3G & 4G signal booster that became an irreplaceable device for my family. On the website I could find a lot of really useful and interesting information about these devices. I carefully examined all the terms and conditions of payment and delivery. And I think that all the points are quite appropriate for the majority of people. Moreover, the company’s customer support team works just perfectly!
Thank you, MyAmplifiers, you are really great! I like the quality of my booster and its effectiveness to improve cellular signal. I really can recommend it to those who have some similar problems with mobile signal in their houses or flats.
Fernando Lietor (Panama, Anton Valley)
We live in a small town in Panama and, unfortunately, Móvil poor coverage is a common problem for the entire neighborhood. If outdoors the signal is rather sufficient, indoors Móvil poor signal (if not boosted) won’t give you a chance to make a call or to send an email. You know, we are even accustomed to mobile signal problems and a lot of people in our country are even ready to tolerate with Móvil signal problems. We also used to be among them. But when our daughter grew up and moved to another town, we decided that we needed to improve our poor mobile signal to stay in touch with her.
That’s why we began looking for something that could help us on the internet. We found MyAmplifiers site and were really surprised to see that there are so many different devices that are able to deal with various types of mobile signal problems. We chose the best cell booster for home NS-12K-Voice, 3G & 4G that is designed to improve Móvil GSM and 3G signals in Panama.
We installed it in our house and now we can use excellent mobile services. Moreover, we have already recommended your web site and this best cell booster for home to all our friends who have similar problems (some of them are suffering from Móvil poor coverage, others are subscribers of other mobile operators but also have some signal issues).
* The reviews are originally posted in authors' native languages. However for customers' convenience we translate them into major European languages. View all »
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