Versterker voor 5G

Get Perfect 5G In Your House or Office

mobiele signaalversterker BD-300FW 5G

voor Netherlands

4.9/5 — 13 Klanten-reviews
300 m² 5G
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5G Repeater

5G (fifth generation) is becoming the most popular mobile Internet option in the world. 5G mobile Internet definitely meets all the needs of a contemporary “hyper-connected society” and makes it possible to maintain lifeline communications at high speed.

Why will you for sure need a 5G booster?

Mobile phone users do not expect that the 5G coverage will be ideal and omnipresent straight away. It will stay patchy and poor until the infrastructure catches up with the needs of a city, town or rural area – and it requires time… years.

However, for those who can already benefit from 5G but may not catch a strong enough signal and would be eager to improve it, we are eager to propose a 5G signal booster being at the final stage of its development. MyAmplifiers always keeps abreast of the times!

5G Highlights

Which benefits does 5G technology give to us?
  • A tenfold increase in speed - to 10 Gb/s
  • A tenfold decrease in delays (latency) - up to 1 ms
  • A hundredfold increase in the reliability of the connection (packet loss error rate)
  • Increase in the density (number) of connected devices (106/ km²).

All this is achieved by:

  • multichannels (parallelism in frequencies and base stations)
  • increase of radio frequency carriers up to tens of GHz (radio channel bandwidth)

5G doesn’t only improve 4G in traditional spheres, whether it’s an instant download of a movie, or a seamless connection of your mobile app to the cloud, but it enables us to refuse the delivery of the Internet to our apartments and offices by cable.

5G provides a universal connection of everything with everything, thus combining broadband energy-consuming protocols with those that are narrow-band and energy-saving. It’s opened new directions inaccessible to 4G: massive machine-type communications on the ground and in the air, Industry 4.0 and the Internet of things.

How it works

So, due to what do we achieve such a fast data transfer in 5G as described above? Isn't that some kind of magic?

The speed increases due to the transition to a higher frequency range previously unused. For example, the frequency of home WiFi is 2.4 or 5 GHz, the frequency of the existing mobile networks ranges within 2.6 GHz. But when we talk about 5G, we mean dozens of gigahertz. It's simple: increase in the frequency, decrease in the wavelength - and the data transfer speed becomes many times greater. And the pressure on the network as a whole is relieved.

The frequency increases tenfold, so in 5G we are dealing with much shorter millimeter waves. They have lots of difficulties passing through the obstacles. Consequently, the network architecture is changing to meet these requirements. Previously, large powerful towers provided communication over long distances, but now the operators are installing many compact low-power towers everywhere. Keep in mind that in large cities a lot of these stations are required due to the signal blocking by high-rise buildings. 

So, to provide New York with reliable 5G network, the number of base stations has to be enhanced by 500 (!) times.

Deployment in the world

Initially, 5G appeared only in South Korea and the United States. In these countries, we can already talk about the full operation of the new networks. As for the European continent, the technology has reached it relatively recently.

In April, 2019 Switzerland’s mobile operator Swisscom launched the fifth generation network for the first time in Europe. In May the British operator EE followed its example in the UK. Since then, Vodafone has switched on its 5G services not only in the UK, but also in Italy, Spain and Germany.

Despite many controversial issues 2020 will become the breaking year for massive launch of 5G networks around the globe – at least, as per the announcements of the operators. In any case 5G isn’t to stop as it will play a key role for IoT allowing people and industries to become much more efficient and innovative.

Is 4G still main force in the coming years?

Yes, it is. And there are some reasons to it:

  •  5G will take several years to be available in all countries (in many of them 4G LTE is still quasi inexistent or poor)
  •  5G isn't replacing 4G, it is building on 4G LTE using it as an initial accord between a phone and the network
  •  Rural areas may not see 5G deployment for years while 4G LTE remains stable and strong
  •  4G is more than enough for smart home products which don’t really require incredibly fast speed but rather a long life for their batteries – and 5G is high in power consumption.

Summing up all above mentioned we may come to a conclusion that mobile phone users will stay reluctant to subscribing to 5G services as they don’t require such fast networks for their daily communications.

Thus, if your 4G LTE networks leaves much to be desired and the signal problems occur regularly, we advise you not to wait for the 5G upcoming and install 4G signal booster – it will still serve you for years!

★★★★★ Rated 4.6/5 based on 58 ratings
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Video Preview

5G Mobile Signal Booster as a Solution Against a Weak Network Signal

All your signal reception problems can be solved thanks to a mobile phone repeater from MyAmplifies. This equipment boosts the signal where its quality is far from good. When you order an amplifier, you get a full set of elements, necessary for installation.

To learn more about what it is and how it works, watch our short video about amplifier system.

Hebt u een probleem met het signaal van uw mobiele telefoon? Wij regelen dit voor u.

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