What things are the most important for you in your mobile plan? Of course, one of the first things that we pay attention to is mobile services that are provided, how they are combined, how many minutes for calls are already included in this or that mobile plan if any, what rates are offered for mobile internet surfing and so on. Without any doubts we pay our attention to the prices and terms of payment, whether we need to pay beforehand, for example, for a month of using a mobile plan or maybe this is a “pay-as-you-use” tariff. Then we usually compare similar offerings of different mobile operators and make our choice. In today’s world we are accustomed to the thought that the market of mobile communications services is developed enough, and we usually think that all mobile services providers are practically the same and the main difference between them is just their tariffs that sometimes a little bit differ from each other. And in general, we are not so far from the truth.
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Of course, if we analyze this issue deeper, we will see that mobile services providers offer their services as different frequency bands, use different network infrastructure and sometimes have different signal coverage. All these aspects should be also taken into consideration, if you need to have the best services ever. Nevertheless, we should admit that the market competition that today exists on Romanian market is a driving force promoting mobile operators’ development which means that for ordinary mobile users this difference between them is gradually being blurred.
But the main competitors are still noticed - Telekom, Orange, Digi Mobil. And one of them is Vodafone Romania. This mobile services provider came to the country in 1997 as Connex GSM becoming the provider of the first GSM network in Romania. But in 2006 the company took a decision that their name needed to show their connection with their global Vodafone brand. That’s how Vodafone Romania became known. As we have already mentioned, it is one of the key players on the market and is able to provide services to the entire population in spite of their place of residence in Romania as Vodafone signal coverage entered the nationwide level rather long ago.
Of course, it is great when you can trust your mobile operator and can be confident about the services provided, but there are also some factors that do not depend on your mobile operator. And precisely these factors can result in Vodafone Romania poor reception in the places where Vodafone bad signal may have the worst impact on your mobile communication – your office or home. But Vodafone signal problem is not a reason to throw away your mobile phone, it is just a cause to contact us and order Vodafone network signal booster. Even if you haven’t heard about Vodafone signal boosters for home earlier, it is quite easy to understand how they work: thanks to outdoor antenna, Vodafone signal booster box receives a very weak signal, and then thanks to another antenna your mobile device receives the improved signal. Exist different booster types: a GSM repeater for home, a 3G signal booster and a 4G signal booster. Vodafone signal repeater will leave no chances for Vodafone mobile signal issues to disturb you once again. In case you want to improve Wi-Fi, check out a smart wifi booster. The mobile phone signal booster Vodafone is able to satisfy not only your needs in having excellent communication, thanks to its power capacity it can distribute Vodafone amplified signal to a number of mobile devices simultaneously.
Note: information on Vodafone frequencies is taken from public sources. MyAmplifiers.com thoroughly monitors its relevance and guarantees 97% accuracy. However, if you have any doubts concerning the compatibility of a specific booster model with Vodafone frequencies in your region, please, contact our managers.
Orange signal problems? - Not at my place, thanks to a booster for cell phone!
Victor Uidumac (Romania, Pitești)
Solution for a large domestic house with no Tesco Mobile signal
Paul Gillen (Ireland, Kildare )
I forgot my Viettel signal problems the day when I installed the booster.
Chiem Van Nam (Vietnam, Dong Xoai)
Claro signal problems do not bother us now thanks to the best cell phone extender Claro!
Diego Gusman (Argentina, Cabildo)