In today's world there is absolutely no need to explain what mobile communication is and what role it plays, with every day, there are more and more mobile subscribers. Moreover, the audience is becoming younger and younger. If at the very beginning of the era of mobile communications the majority of people using mobile phones where adults, especially businessmen and people working with clients, today there is a great percent of children having mobile phones. Of course, for parents it is much more comfortable to buy a mobile phone for their child and have an opportunity to stay in touch with their son or daughter than to worry constantly where he or she is. The audience is younger, and our requirements and standards are higher. There are not so many people around us who will be satisfied just having an opportunity to call somebody or to receive a call. More and more often we turn to mobile internet access and are extremely disappointed if its speed is not high enough.
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The market of mobile services in Iran is actively growing today. The rate of mobile penetration is considered to be high enough, as it is nearly 125%. The majority of subscribers receive services based on GSM 2G and 3G technologies, as for 4G LTE signal, it is available for 50% of users. And it is a good direction for growth and development. Nevertheless, though the market itself has a huge potential, there is still a lot to be done, and step-by-step changes and innovations are implemented that cannot but satisfy local mobile subscribers.
Mobile services market is full with ambitious and innovation-friendly services providers (Hamrah-e-Avval (MCI), MTN Irancell, RighTel) that are trying to find their own way to the subscribers' hearts. And one of the operators that are rather successful in realization of their strategy is MTN Irancell. Being the second largest mobile operator in the country, MTN Irancell is actively working on the ways to open new opportunities in mobile communication for its clients. It officially launched its 4G LTE services in 2014 and started with 9 cities. Today MTN Irancell mobile coverage is much wider. In the very end of 2017, the company conducted trials of functioning of its 5G network. It is expected that in the nearest future it will be possible to find out more or less exact information on when these new services will be commercially launched.
But of course, those subscribers who have faced with MTN Irancell signal problems are not interested in 5G right now as they are more interested in the ways to deal with these MTN Irancell mobile signal issues and to boost MTN Irancell bad signal. Sometimes not only geographical peculiarities may lead to MTN Irancell poor reception, infrastructural and landscape peculiarities may have impact as well. But if you have MTN Irancell network signal booster (GSM/3G or 4G amplifier), these problems just do not exist for you. Just place MTN Irancell signal booster box and two antennas of MTN Irancell signal repeater set in a place where you have mobile problems and it will be enough. The mobile phone signal booster MTN Irancell is able to deal with the weakest mobile signal. The device is absolutely safe and harmless. If you want to ask us some question about MTN Irancell signal boosters for home, do not hesitate to contact us.
Note: information on MTN Irancell frequencies is taken from public sources. thoroughly monitors its relevance and guarantees 97% accuracy. However, if you have any doubts concerning the compatibility of a specific booster model with MTN Irancell frequencies in your region, please, contact our managers.
If you are fed up with Irancell signal problems, MA-130 cell phone single booster is for you!
Sajad Farzaneh (Iran, Shiraz)
Viva signal problems are no longer my reality!
Ahmed Sarraf (Kuwait, Al Jahra)
Now we don’t have any Altice mobile problems! LCD-400D is an excellent device
Melina Pichardo (Dominican Republic, Imbert)
Without a phone booster for house I couldn’t make or receive a call because of Vodafone signal problems!
Nikles Thierry (Ireland, Tuam )