The more we use our mobile phones, the less we appreciate this oportunity. If making our first mobile calls or, what’s more, using mobile internet services for the first time, we thought that it was a real blessing of civilization, now we have already begun to perceive all these opportunities just as a normal thing. Of course, it is quite logical and natural to get accustomed to things and phenomena that are gaining popularity in our society, but at the same time we do not only get accustomed but also get dependent. We can’t imagine how we would build our communication with our friends and families if we hadn’t bought mobile phones one day. Our communication today is based on mobile technologies. Even with a view to make an appointment for a meeting or to inform that we have already arrived at this meeting, we use mobile phones. It is not good or bad, it is our reality and we should tolerate with it. Of course, under such circumstances the quality of mobile services that we get is really a crucial criterion that fully sets the tone for our perception of interpersonal private and business communication itself.
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Mobile services users in Guam should be quite happy about the quality of mobile services that they get. Though the market of mobile communications services is really small on this small island, there are really strong players on this arena (like Docomo, IT&E, GTA) that set a very high bar for the level of services that should be provided for local subscribers. In today’s world the most demanded mobile services are data exchange services. And in Guam there is an obvious leader in providing the fastest mobile connection. This services provider is known as iConnect (you may know its GSM services under the tradename iConnect Buddy). The company was the first one to bring speedy 4G LTE network technologies to Guam, today these services are provided at a frequency band of 700 MHz. GSM and 3G services are provided by iConnect as well, both at a frequency band of 1900 MHz.
But as we have already mentioned, technologies are just technologies, even very good ones. That’s why you should be prepared that you also may face with iConnect mobile signal issues. But it looks like you won’t be very upset to notice iConnect poor reception somewhere where you don’t really need to use phone. But it is a very different situation if you have iConnect mobile signal problems in your house or office. Nevertheless, it doesn’t mean that access to mobile internet and voice services is now forbidden for you, it just means that you need to improve iConnect bas signal. And you are lucky to find our company. We are the team that can offer you one of our mobile phone signal booster iConnect comprising of two antennas and one iConnect signal booster box. GSM, 3G or 4G phone booster will receive poor signal, boost it and send it to your mobile phone. iConnect network signal booster is able to amplify any type of mobile signal you may need; the task is only to take it into account while choosing the most appropriate iConnect signal repeater.
If you are still in two minds or if you have already decided to purchase iConnect signal booster for home, our team is open for communication and waiting for your calls and emails in a 24/7 regime.
Note: information on iConnect frequencies is taken from public sources. thoroughly monitors its relevance and guarantees 97% accuracy. However, if you have any doubts concerning the compatibility of a specific booster model with iConnect frequencies in your region, please, contact our managers.
Thanks to my cool mobile signal booster I managed to boost cell phone signal MTN
Marcel Fimpa (Congo, Boundji)
If you want to improve mobile phone signal Zain, use LCD-1000D
Nouf Al Jaber (Kuwait, Ahmadi)
NS-1100GD for Velcom signal problems
Oleg Krasnov (Belarus, Minsk)
Exasperated with no O2 signal? Think of a booster!
Dominik Weisskeit (Germany, Berlin)