Sure signal repeaters

Sure mobile signal booster in Falkland Islands (Malvinas)

The possibilities of Sure operator on the Falkland Islands. Amelioration of Sure mobile services. The distribution of Sure mobile phone signal boosters. Ways to improve Sure signal in a building

Have you ever faced signal problems? I suppose, yes. That’s why you’ve found this article!

You are lucky to have reached out to us! We’ll help you no matter what kind of signal problems you face.For over 130 years Sure operator has been providing countries around the world with their national and international telecoms networks. Sure provider offers perfect quality mobile devices and its accessories along with their safe use.

★★★★★ Rated 4.5/5 based on 11 ratings

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Sure signal repeaters

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Which tab to choose - 'Calls+3G+4G/LTE', 'Calls', 'Calls+4G/LTE', '4G/LTE', 'Calls+3G' or '3G'?
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Sure mobile signal booster
Sure Mobile Signal Booster customers' choice
4.9 (135)
Product Description »
Specification »
Reviews »
30 m²
2 Band Calls 4G/LTE 3G
Sure mobile signal booster
€395 learn more
Sure mobile signal booster Discount
Sure Mobile Signal Booster
+ FREE Lightning Surge Protector customers' choice
4.9 (278)
Product Description »
Specification »
Reviews »
300 m²
2 Band Calls 4G/LTE 3G
Sure mobile signal booster
€349 €549 You save: €200 learn more
Sure mobile signal booster
Sure Mobile Signal Booster
+ FREE Lightning Surge Protector customers' choice
4.9 (214)
Product Description »
Specification »
Reviews »
500 m²
2 Band Calls 4G/LTE 3G
Sure mobile signal booster
€425 €550 You save: €125 learn more
Sure mobile signal booster Discount
Sure Mobile Signal Booster
+ FREE Lightning Surge Protector customers' choice
4.9 (166)
Product Description »
Specification »
Reviews »
1200 m²
2 Band Calls 4G/LTE 3G
Sure mobile signal booster
€519 €649 You save: €130 learn more
Sure signal booster
Sure Signal Booster customers' choice
4.9 (45)
Product Description »
Specification »
Reviews »
2000 m²
3 Band Calls 4G/LTE
Sure signal booster
€950 learn more
Sure signal booster Discount
Sure Signal Booster
4.9 (184)
Product Description »
Specification »
Reviews »
130 m²
1 Band Calls
Sure signal booster
€149 €209 You save: €60 learn more
Sure signal booster Discount
Sure Signal Booster
4.9 (196)
Product Description »
Specification »
Reviews »
300 m²
1 Band Calls
Sure signal booster
€199 €244 You save: €45 learn more
Sure signal booster
Sure Signal Booster
4.6 (79)
Product Description »
Specification »
Reviews »
250 m²
1 Band Calls
Sure signal booster
€229 learn more
Sure signal booster
Sure Signal Booster
4.7 (69)
Product Description »
Specification »
Reviews »
300 m²
1 Band Calls
Sure signal booster
€235 learn more
Sure signal booster
Sure Signal Booster
4.9 (63)
Product Description »
Specification »
Reviews »
30 m²
1 Band Calls
Sure signal booster
€249 learn more
Sure signal booster
Sure Signal Booster
4.5 (69)
Product Description »
Specification »
Reviews »
450 m²
1 Band Calls
Sure signal booster
€265 learn more
Sure signal booster
Sure Signal Booster
4.8 (94)
Product Description »
Specification »
Reviews »
800 m²
1 Band Calls
Sure signal booster
€279 learn more
Sure mobile signal booster NEW
Sure Mobile Signal Booster
5 (8)
Product Description »
Specification »
Reviews »
20 m²
2 Band Calls 4G/LTE
Sure mobile signal booster
€290 learn more
Sure signal booster
Sure Signal Booster
4.4 (39)
Product Description »
Specification »
Reviews »
800 m²
1 Band Calls
Sure signal booster
€299 learn more
Sure signal booster
Sure Signal Booster
+ FREE Lightning Surge Protector
5 (117)
Product Description »
Specification »
Reviews »
1200 m²
1 Band Calls
Sure signal booster
€299 learn more
Sure mobile signal booster NEW
Sure Mobile Signal Booster
4.9 (11)
Product Description »
Specification »
Reviews »
20 m²
2 Band Calls 4G/LTE
Sure mobile signal booster
€310 learn more
Sure mobile signal booster Discount
Sure Mobile Signal Booster
+ FREE Lightning Surge Protector
4.9 (243)
Product Description »
Specification »
Reviews »
250 m²
2 Band Calls 4G/LTE 3G
Sure mobile signal booster
€355 €465 You save: €110 learn more
Sure mobile signal booster Discount
Sure Mobile Signal Booster
+ FREE Lightning Surge Protector
4.9 (158)
Product Description »
Specification »
Reviews »
400 m²
2 Band Calls 4G/LTE
Sure mobile signal booster
€395 €505 You save: €110 learn more
Sure mobile signal booster
Sure Mobile Signal Booster
4.8 (44)
Product Description »
Specification »
Reviews »
30 m²
2 Band Calls 3G
Sure mobile signal booster
€399 learn more
Sure mobile signal booster
Sure Mobile Signal Booster
4.9 (122)
Product Description »
Specification »
Reviews »
300 m²
2 Band Calls 3G
Sure mobile signal booster
€399 €489 You save: €90 learn more
Sure mobile signal booster
Sure Mobile Signal Booster
4.6 (69)
Product Description »
Specification »
Reviews »
150 m²
2 Band Calls 3G
Sure mobile signal booster
€400 learn more
Sure mobile signal booster
Sure Mobile Signal Booster
4.7 (48)
Product Description »
Specification »
Reviews »
150 m²
2 Band Calls
Sure mobile signal booster
€400 learn more
Sure mobile signal booster Discount
Sure Mobile Signal Booster
+ FREE Lightning Surge Protector
4.9 (132)
Product Description »
Specification »
Reviews »
600 m²
2 Band Calls 4G/LTE
Sure mobile signal booster
€410 €530 You save: €120 learn more
Sure mobile signal booster NEW
Sure Mobile Signal Booster
4.8 (1)
Product Description »
Specification »
Reviews »
30 m²
2 Band Calls 4G/LTE 3G
Sure mobile signal booster
€415 learn more
Sure mobile signal booster
Sure Mobile Signal Booster
4.9 (105)
Product Description »
Specification »
Reviews »
200 m²
2 Band Calls 4G/LTE
Sure mobile signal booster
€429 learn more
Sure mobile signal booster
Sure Mobile Signal Booster
4.6 (52)
Product Description »
Specification »
Reviews »
300 m²
2 Band Calls 3G
Sure mobile signal booster
€430 learn more
Sure signal booster NEW
Sure Signal Booster
+ FREE Lightning Surge Protector
+ BoostControl App
4.9 (76)
Product Description »
Specification »
Reviews »
300 m²
3 Band Calls 4G/LTE 3G 5G
Sure signal booster
€445 learn more
Sure mobile signal booster
Sure Mobile Signal Booster
4.6 (56)
Product Description »
Specification »
Reviews »
350 m²
2 Band Calls 4G/LTE
Sure mobile signal booster
€449 learn more
Sure mobile signal booster
Sure Mobile Signal Booster
4.8 (101)
Product Description »
Specification »
Reviews »
500 m²
2 Band Calls 3G
Sure mobile signal booster
€449 learn more
Sure mobile signal booster
Sure Mobile Signal Booster
4.1 (41)
Product Description »
Specification »
Reviews »
250 m²
2 Band Calls 3G
Sure mobile signal booster
€455 learn more
Sure mobile signal booster
Sure Mobile Signal Booster
4.6 (41)
Product Description »
Specification »
Reviews »
500 m²
2 Band Calls 3G
Sure mobile signal booster
€460 learn more
Sure mobile signal booster
Sure Mobile Signal Booster
4.6 (74)
Product Description »
Specification »
Reviews »
550 m²
2 Band Calls 4G/LTE
Sure mobile signal booster
€479 learn more
Sure signal booster
Sure Signal Booster
+ FREE Lightning Surge Protector
+ BoostControl App
4.9 (63)
Product Description »
Specification »
Reviews »
500 m²
3 Band Calls 4G/LTE 3G 5G
Sure signal booster
€490 learn more
Sure signal booster
Sure Signal Booster
5 (70)
Product Description »
Specification »
Reviews »
30 m²
3 Band Calls 4G/LTE 3G
Sure signal booster
€495 learn more
Sure signal booster Discount
Sure Signal Booster
+ FREE Lightning Surge Protector
4.9 (112)
Product Description »
Specification »
Reviews »
300 m²
3 Band Calls 4G/LTE 3G 5G
Sure signal booster
€495 €595 You save: €100 learn more
Sure mobile signal booster
Sure Mobile Signal Booster
4.8 (91)
Product Description »
Specification »
Reviews »
800 m²
2 Band Calls 4G/LTE 3G
Sure mobile signal booster
€499 learn more
Sure mobile signal booster
Sure Mobile Signal Booster
4.7 (60)
Product Description »
Specification »
Reviews »
800 m²
2 Band Calls 3G
Sure mobile signal booster
€499 learn more
Sure signal booster
Sure Signal Booster
4.9 (64)
Product Description »
Specification »
Reviews »
2000 m²
1 Band Calls 3G
Sure signal booster
€499 learn more
Sure signal booster NEW
Sure Signal Booster
4.8 (1)
Product Description »
Specification »
Reviews »
30 m²
3 Band Calls 4G/LTE 3G
Sure signal booster
€515 learn more
Sure mobile signal booster
Sure Mobile Signal Booster
4.8 (77)
Product Description »
Specification »
Reviews »
800 m²
2 Band Calls 4G/LTE
Sure mobile signal booster
€529 learn more
Sure mobile signal booster
Sure Mobile Signal Booster
+ FREE Lightning Surge Protector
4.8 (106)
Product Description »
Specification »
Reviews »
1000 m²
2 Band Calls 4G/LTE 3G
Sure mobile signal booster
€529 learn more
Sure signal booster NEW
Sure Signal Booster
+ FREE Lightning Surge Protector
4.9 (155)
Product Description »
Specification »
Reviews »
500 m²
3 Band Calls 4G/LTE 3G 5G
Sure signal booster
€540 learn more
Sure mobile signal booster
Sure Mobile Signal Booster
4.8 (54)
Product Description »
Specification »
Reviews »
1200 m²
2 Band Calls 3G
Sure mobile signal booster
€549 learn more
Sure mobile signal booster
Sure Mobile Signal Booster
4.9 (53)
Product Description »
Specification »
Reviews »
1100 m²
2 Band Calls 3G
Sure mobile signal booster
€569 learn more
Sure mobile signal booster
Sure Mobile Signal Booster
+ FREE Lightning Surge Protector
4.9 (122)
Product Description »
Specification »
Reviews »
1200 m²
2 Band Calls 4G/LTE
Sure mobile signal booster
€569 learn more
Sure signal booster
Sure Signal Booster
4.3 (85)
Product Description »
Specification »
Reviews »
600 m²
3 Band Calls 4G/LTE 3G
Sure signal booster
€589 learn more
Sure signal booster
Sure Signal Booster
+ FREE Lightning Surge Protector
4.9 (127)
Product Description »
Specification »
Reviews »
1000 m²
3 Band Calls 4G/LTE 3G
Sure signal booster
€590 learn more
Sure signal booster
Sure Signal Booster
4.9 (63)
Product Description »
Specification »
Reviews »
3000 m²
1 Band Calls 3G
Sure signal booster
€599 learn more
Sure mobile signal booster
Sure Mobile Signal Booster
4.8 (79)
Product Description »
Specification »
Reviews »
1000 m²
2 Band Calls
Sure mobile signal booster
€650 learn more
Sure mobile signal booster
Sure Mobile Signal Booster
4.9 (54)
Product Description »
Specification »
Reviews »
2000 m²
2 Band Calls 4G/LTE 3G
Sure mobile signal booster
€689 learn more
Sure mobile signal booster
Sure Mobile Signal Booster
4.9 (89)
Product Description »
Specification »
Reviews »
2000 m²
2 Band Calls
Sure mobile signal booster
€690 learn more
Sure mobile signal booster
Sure Mobile Signal Booster
4.9 (43)
Product Description »
Specification »
Reviews »
2000 m²
2 Band Calls 3G
Sure mobile signal booster
€690 learn more
Sure signal booster
Sure Signal Booster
4.9 (77)
Product Description »
Specification »
Reviews »
250 m²
3 Band Calls 4G/LTE 3G
Sure signal booster
€695 learn more
Sure repeater
Sure Repeater
+ FREE Lightning Surge Protector
5 (32)
Product Description »
Specification »
Reviews »
300 m²
5 Band Calls 4G/LTE 3G
Sure repeater
€745 learn more
Sure signal booster
Sure Signal Booster
4.8 (68)
Product Description »
Specification »
Reviews »
500 m²
3 Band Calls 4G/LTE 3G
Sure signal booster
€745 learn more
Sure repeater
Sure Repeater
+ FREE Lightning Surge Protector
5 (43)
Product Description »
Specification »
Reviews »
600 m²
5 Band Calls 4G/LTE 3G
Sure repeater
€790 learn more
Sure signal booster
Sure Signal Booster
4.9 (55)
Product Description »
Specification »
Reviews »
500 m²
3 Band Calls 3G
Sure signal booster
€795 learn more
Sure signal booster
Sure Signal Booster
4.9 (82)
Product Description »
Specification »
Reviews »
1100 m²
3 Band Calls 4G/LTE 3G
Sure signal booster
€795 learn more
Sure signal booster
Sure Signal Booster
+ FREE Lightning Surge Protector
4.9 (73)
Product Description »
Specification »
Reviews »
1100 m²
3 Band Calls 4G/LTE 3G
Sure signal booster
€799 learn more
Sure mobile signal booster
Sure Mobile Signal Booster
4.9 (68)
Product Description »
Specification »
Reviews »
3000 m²
2 Band Calls 4G/LTE 3G
Sure mobile signal booster
€799 learn more
Sure mobile signal booster
Sure Mobile Signal Booster
4.9 (62)
Product Description »
Specification »
Reviews »
3000 m²
2 Band Calls 3G
Sure mobile signal booster
€799 learn more
Sure repeater
Sure Repeater
4.9 (69)
Product Description »
Specification »
Reviews »
2000 m²
5 Band Calls 4G/LTE 3G
Sure repeater
€850 learn more
Sure repeater Discount
Sure Repeater
+ FREE Lightning Surge Protector
4.9 (136)
Product Description »
Specification »
Reviews »
300 m²
5 Band Calls 4G/LTE 3G
Sure repeater
€850 €1,300 You save: €450 learn more
Sure signal booster Discount
Sure Signal Booster
+ FREE Lightning Surge Protector
5 (5)
Product Description »
Specification »
Reviews »
300 m²
6 Band Calls 4G/LTE 3G 5G
Sure signal booster
€895 €1,095 You save: €200 learn more
Sure signal booster
Sure Signal Booster
4.9 (56)
Product Description »
Specification »
Reviews »
2000 m²
3 Band Calls 3G
Sure signal booster
€950 learn more
Sure repeater Discount
Sure Repeater
+ FREE Lightning Surge Protector
4.9 (112)
Product Description »
Specification »
Reviews »
600 m²
5 Band Calls 4G/LTE 3G
Sure repeater
€950 €1,400 You save: €450 learn more
Sure signal booster
Sure Signal Booster
4.9 (49)
Product Description »
Specification »
Reviews »
2500 m²
3 Band Calls 4G/LTE 3G
Sure signal booster
€950 learn more
Sure repeater Discount
Sure Repeater
+ FREE Lightning Surge Protector
4.9 (106)
Product Description »
Specification »
Reviews »
2000 m²
5 Band Calls 4G/LTE 3G
Sure repeater
€980 €1,500 You save: €520 learn more
Sure signal booster NEW
Sure Signal Booster
+ FREE Lightning Surge Protector
5 (6)
Product Description »
Specification »
Reviews »
600 m²
6 Band Calls 4G/LTE 3G 5G
Sure signal booster
€990 €1,190 You save: €200 learn more
Sure signal booster
Sure Signal Booster
+ FREE Lightning Surge Protector
4.9 (70)
Product Description »
Specification »
Reviews »
2000 m²
3 Band Calls 4G/LTE 3G
Sure signal booster
€990 learn more
Sure signal booster NEW
Sure Signal Booster
+ FREE Lightning Surge Protector
5 (5)
Product Description »
Specification »
Reviews »
2000 m²
6 Band Calls 4G/LTE 3G 5G
Sure signal booster
€1,045 €1,245 You save: €200 learn more
Sure signal booster
Sure Signal Booster
+ FREE Lightning Surge Protector
4.9 (57)
Product Description »
Specification »
Reviews »
3000 m²
3 Band Calls 4G/LTE 3G
Sure signal booster
€1,190 learn more

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From €149 to €1,190 based on 71 products

Touching upon Sure Falkland Islands history, we’d like to note that the early years of Falkland Islands communications tell of hardship and struggle. Epistolary exchanges from west Falklands to Stanley took up to more than three months as it was carried out by horseback and sailing vessels.

Correspondence on the Falkland Islands has changed considerably after the first telephones were installed by the Falkland Islands company. Since then the company has found new ways to develop Sure mobile phone services, having decided to roll out Sure mobile phone service and Internet service both at the national and international levels.

Sure mobile provider services, namely GSM, have been fully introduced across the Falkland Islands by 2008. By 2011 Sure mobile phone network has been vastly extended to every corner of the Islands, increasing Sure mobile coverage to include large parts of the Islands. After August 2012 Sure mobile provider has found new ways enabling customers to send and receive video messages and pictures and access the internet on mobile phones for the first time.

It is worthwhile mentioning the process of Sure signal repeater installation as well. Compared with difficulties people faced around 10 years ago, installation-specific settings presently take no time. Now these easy-to-use devices (together known a Sure signal booster kit) consist of Sure signal booster box, reception and rebroadcast antennas and other parts. The combined utilization of these ones enables users to considerably boost a Sure signal providing stable mobile connection inside a building, where the signal amplifier is placed.

At first, you should place Sure rebroadcast antenna outside a building to achieve the transfer of Sure bad signal received from the nearest cell towers to Sure signal booster box fixed inside a building. Then the indoor antenna will rebroadcast the enhanced signal received from the Sure signal booster box, thus improving Sure mobile coverage around the building.

As a result, the signal will be massively boosted, giving opportunity to smoothly surf the Internet and make calls.Using Sure signal booster for home, you’ll, furthermore, get rid of poor reception and enjoy Sure broadband network connection inside your house.Myamplifiers is one of the best distributors of Sure network signal boosters which provides its services quite a long time, from Latin America to Australia. We trust our customers, and they trust us.There is a myriad of signal problems, but it is your choice whether to cope with them or ignore.

Note: information on Sure frequencies is taken from public sources. thoroughly monitors its relevance and guarantees 97% accuracy. However, if you have any doubts concerning the compatibility of a specific booster model with Sure frequencies in your region, please, contact our managers.

Customer Stories

Google reviews
If you think that you can’t have marine Internet access on a yacht, you are not right!

If you think that you can’t have marine Internet access on a yacht, you are not right!

Simone Bisceglia (Italy, Livorno )

I have solved my Eir mobile signal problems with LCD1200-4G-D!

I have solved my Eir mobile signal problems with LCD1200-4G-D!

Jane Moran (Ireland, Mountmellick)

Ooredoo signal problems? - None anymore!

Ooredoo signal problems? - None anymore!

Craig Mainz (Qatar, Mukaynis)

Boosting mobile signal Glo Mobile resolves all mobile coverage problems

Boosting mobile signal Glo Mobile resolves all mobile coverage problems

Kenny Flatari (Nigeria, Kaduna)

Have a problem with cell phone signal? Let us take care of it for you

Your comfortable and stable mobile connection is only in one click away. Just let us know about your problem and get professional help

or simply contact us:, +(44)8000485044 (Sales), +(44)2045770585 (After-sales support), Sales Chat

Which tab to choose - 'Calls+3G+4G/LTE', 'Calls', 'Calls+4G/LTE', '4G/LTE', 'Calls+3G' or '3G'?

1. If you need to boost all signal types - GSM, 3G and 4G at the same time, choose the tab 'Calls+3G+4G'.

2. Choosing the tab 'Calls' you`ll find boosters recommended for phone calls mainly.

3. For improving calls and mobile Internet at the same time select 'Calls+4G' or 'Calls+3G'.

4. In order to display devices that we recommend for boosting mobile Internet click on '3G' or '4G/ LTE'.