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Note: information on BTC frequencies is taken from public sources. MyAmplifiers.com thoroughly monitors its relevance and guarantees 97% accuracy. However, if you have any doubts concerning the compatibility of a specific booster model with BTC frequencies in your region, please, contact our managers.
After installing a mobile cellular signal booster our company has no problems with mobile communication!
Momtaz Nouhra (Saudi Arabia, Jeddah)
After I managed to improve mobile phone reception, I can phone from my office with no La Poste signal problems.
Antoine Oudin (France, La Malmaison)
Hi-tech marine Internet amplifier! A must have on a boat!
Mislav Velcic (Croatia, Sutomišćica)
I could successfully boost mobile signal in house. Zain signal problems are gone! Hurray!
Ahnaf Naqawi (Jordan, As-Salt)