Why is my signal still poor despite the amplifier being installed correctly?
Below are the possible causes and how to fix them:
Weak Outside Signal
Cause: The external antenna is placed in an area with poor signal reception from the operator’s base station.
Solution: Try relocating the external antenna to a spot with a stronger signal. Measure the outdoor signal using signal bars on your phone or a special signal test app. Follow the antenna aiming process to find the best direction.
Cause: The external and internal antennas are too close to each other, causing interference (auto-oscillation).
Solution: Increase the distance between the antennas — ideally 10 meters horizontally and at least 1.5–2 meters vertically. If this is difficult, use physical barriers such as walls, ceilings, or slabs to improve separation and reduce interference. Additionally, make sure the antennas are positioned in opposite directions to avoid cross-interference. Read the article about the correct antenna placement here.
Overload from a Strong Outside Signal
Cause: If the outside signal is too strong ( higher than -55/-50 dBm on the booster screen), the booster may reduce amplification (attenuate the device gain), resulting in weaker indoor coverage.
Solution: Slightly turn the external antenna away from the direction of the nearest base station or move it to a less exposed location to reduce signal overload.
Obstacles Blocking the Signal
Cause: Buildings, trees, or mountains can block the signal reaching the external antenna.
Solution: Place the external antenna higher or in a more open area to avoid obstacles.
Cable Connection Issues
Cause: Loose or damaged cables can weaken the signal.
Solution: Check all cable connections and ensure they are tightly secured. If the cable is damaged, replace it. Use high-quality low-loss coaxial cables to minimize signal loss.
Interference from Other Devices
Cause: Other electronic devices (WiFi routers, metal structures, etc.) may cause interference.
Solution: Keep the booster and its antennas away from large metal objects, WiFi routers, and other sources of interference.
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