
Hvis du allerede er den stolte ejer af en mobile repeater, men stadig har brug for nogle ekstra dele eller tilbehør, finder du alle nødvendige detaljer på denne side. Bestilling af ekstra tilbehør giver dig mulighed for at opgradere hele udstyret og tilpasse det til dine personlige behov. Hvis du ikke er sikker på, hvilket tilbehør du skal vælge, skal du kontakte vores supportadministratører for at få flere oplysninger om repeaters tilbehør.    

Hvis du ikke har købt en mobil repeater endnu og tøver med den rigtige model, er vores søgeformular til din rådighed. Dette er et praktisk program, der automatisk vælger den passende repeatermodel i henhold til de indsatte data.  

Indendørs antenner


Indendørs stavantenne NS-WA-3D

Hvis du har brug for at forbedre det cellulære signal i store områder, har du muligvis brug for en ekstra intern antenne. Intern rundstrålende antenne med 3dBi-forstærkning er designet til signaloverførsel i frekvensområdet 806-960 / 1710-2170 / 2520-2690 MHz.Kapslingens beskyttelsesgrad - IP55. Velegnet til arbejde med Nikrans forstærkere. Antennen kan bruges uden kabel. Antennen fås med forskellige stik, SMA- eller N-type. Når du bestiller, bedes du angive stiktypen i kommentarerne.


Indendørs loftsantenne NS-CA-3D

Hvis det er nødvendigt at øge dækningsradiusen for en eksisterende forstærker, bliver en ekstra intern antenne et obligatorisk tilbehør.  Denne loftantenne er ikke-retningsbestemt, det understøttede frekvensområde er 806-960 / 1710-2690 MHz. Forstærkningfaktor er 3dBi. Kapslingens beskyttelsesgrad - IP55. Antennen er velegnet til arbejde med Nikrans forstærkere. Et fem meter kabel er inkluderet i sættet.


Indendørs panelantenne NS-IPA-8D

En intern antenne er nødvendig, hvis du har brug for at øge dækningsradiusen for din forstærker. Antenneforstærkning er 8dBi. Kapslingens beskyttelsesgrad - IP55. Denne antenne er unik, fordi den har en dobbeltbåndstilstand, dvs. antennen understøtter transmission af signaler samtidigt i intervallerne 806-960 MHz og 1710-2690 MHz. På grund af sin form er antennen vægmonteret. Velegnet til arbejde med både AnyTone og Nikrans forstærkere. Et fem meter kabel er inkluderet i sættet.


Flat Indoor Ceiling Antenna NS-FA-3D

The indoor antenna NS-FA-3D is a flat omnidirectional antenna for ceiling mounting. The compact, flat shape is its main advantage, making the antenna easy to install and use in small rooms. The simplicity of installation is also facilitated by the NS-FA-3D light weight of 300 g. The antenna works in a frequency range of 698MHz - 4000MHz, and is compatible with every 5G/4G/GSM/3G mobile signal booster from Nikrans. The gain equals 3dBi, the impedance is 50 Ohm. The package includes a 5m cable.

Udendørs antenner


Outdoor Wide Band Yagi NS-LPDA-12D

It is a high-performance antenna intended for working with cellular networks. It is designed to be mounted on the wall and can ensure gains of up to 12 dBi. Works with 698~2700MHz. The Ingress Protection Code is IP55. A cable, as well as necessary mountings, is provided together with the antenna.


Omni-Directional Boat Antenna NS-Boat-12D

This sensitive outdoor antenna for boats is able to catch even the lowest cell signal that can’t be found by your mobile devices. It is waterproof and lightweight and can be installed with any mobile phone signal booster for boats offered in our online catalogue. The antenna is sold together with a cable. The gain level is 12dBi. The Ingress Protection Code is IP55.


Udendørs antenne Yagi NS-BY-9D

Ekstern bredbånd Yagi-antenne er en retningsbestemt ekstern antenne, der er egnet til at arbejde i GSM, 4G og 3G frekvenser. Antennen understøtter intervallerne 806-960 MHz og 1710-2600 MHz. Forstærkningfaktor er 9dBi, antennens effekt er 50W. Kapslingens beskyttelsesgrad er IP55. Kablet medfølger.


Udendørs panel antenne NS-OPA-8D

Ekstern panelantenne er en af de mest effektive og kraftfulde antenner til forstærkning af et svagt mobilsignal. Forstærkningfaktor er 8 dbi. Kapslingens beskyttelsesgrad - IP55. Et særligt træk ved denne antenne er dens dobbeltbåndstilstand, som gør det muligt at forstærke signalet samtidigt i frekvensområderne 806-960 MHz og 1710-2690 MHz. Denne antenne er installeret på væggen. Velegnet til alle Nikrans mobile forstærkere. Et standard 10 meter kabel er inkluderet i sættet.


Stik og adaptere


Connector adapters N-male to SMA-male

These connector adapters N-male to SMA-male ensure the simple installation of all the elements that can be included in a mobile signal booster kit of any type. These accessories for boosters are weather resistant which allows installing them even outdoors. Their high quality guarantees the possibility to minimize signal power losses. The Ingress Protection Code is IP55.


Connector adapter N-female to N-female

These connector adapters ensure the simple installation of all the elements that can be included in a mobile signal booster kit of any type. These accessories for boosters are weather resistant which allows installing them even outdoors. Their high quality guarantees the possibility to minimize signal power losses. The Ingress Protection Code is IP55.


Connector adapter N-female to SMA-male

These connector adapters N-female to SMA-male ensure the simple installation of all the elements that can be included in a mobile signal booster kit of any type. These accessories for boosters are weather resistant which allows installing them even outdoors. Their high quality guarantees the possibility to minimize signal power losses. The Ingress Protection Code is IP55.


Connector adapter N-female to SMA-female

These connector adapters N-female to SMA-female ensure the simple installation of all the elements that can be included in a mobile signal booster kit of any type. These accessories for boosters are weather resistant which allows installing them even outdoors. Their high quality guarantees the possibility to minimize signal power losses. The Ingress Protection Code is IP55.


Connector adapter N-male to N-male

These connector adapters N-male to N-male ensure the simple installation of all the elements that can be included in a mobile signal booster kit of any type. These accessories for boosters are weather resistant which allows installing them even outdoors. Their high quality guarantees the possibility to minimize signal power losses. The Ingress Protection Code is IP55.


Connector adapter N-male to SMA-female

These connector adapters N-male to SMA-female ensure the simple installation of all the elements that can be included in a mobile signal booster kit of any type. These accessories for boosters are weather resistant which allows installing them even outdoors. Their high quality guarantees the possibility to minimize signal power losses. The Ingress Protection Code is IP55.


Connector for 3D-FB cable

You can buy a reliable connector that will help to prevent signal power losses ensuring excellent results of your booster’s work. The connectors offered in our catalogue are universal and can be used for joining elements of a wide range of different mobile phone signal booster models available on the market. The Ingress Protection Code is IP55.


Connector for 5D

A reliable connector that will help to prevent signal power losses ensuring excellent results of your booster’s work. Universal and can be used for joining elements of a wide range of different mobile phone signal booster models available on the market. The Ingress Protection Code is IP55.


Connector for 7D

You can buy a reliable connector that will help to prevent signal power losses ensuring excellent results of your booster’s work. The connectors offered in our catalogue are universal and can be used for joining elements of a wide range of different mobile phone signal booster models available on the market. The Ingress Protection Code is IP55.




Cable for GSM, 5G, 4G and 3G COAX-3D-FB-5M

It is a reliable coaxial cable that can be used with any of the GSM, 4G and/or 3G, 5G mobile signal boosters that are available on our website. We offer these cables of different lengths which makes it possible to choose the most appropriate variant. Please do not use too long cables for a booster as it can be a reason for lost signal power. The Ingress Protection Code is IP55.


10m Cable for GSM, 5G, 4G and 3G COAX-3D-FB-10M

It is a reliable 10 m coaxial cable that can be used with any 5G, 4G, GSM and 3G mobile signal booster featured on our website. The Ingress Protection Code of the cable is IP55. The cable impedance is 50 ohm. Please do not use too long cables for a booster, as this may lead to loss of signal strength. To increase efficiency, it is recommended to use long cables only with advanced high-power amplifiers, and not with basic ones.

15m Cable for 5G, GSM, 4G and 3G COAX-3D-FB-15M

This reliable 15m coaxial cable is compatible with all our 5G, 4G, GSM, or 3G mobile signal boosters. The cable has an Ingress Protection Code of IP55. The cable's impedance measures 50 ohm. Avoid using too long cables for a booster, as this could cause a loss of signal strength. Long cables are only recommended for advanced high-power boosters, not basic ones, to increase efficiency.

20m Cable for 5G, 4G ,GSM and 3G COAX-3D-FB-20M

The use of this reliable coaxial cable having IP55 Ingress Protection Code is acceptable for all our 5G, 4G, GSM, or 3G mobile signal boosters. The cable length is 20m. The cable's impedance has a measurement of 50 ohm. To maintain signal strength, avoid using overly long cables for a booster. In order to improve performance, make use of long cables with advanced high-power boosters, not basic models.

5 m kabel til GSM, 4G/LTE, 3G COAX-5D-FB-5M

Universal højkvalitets koaksialkabel 5 meter lang. Velegnet til arbejde med forstærkere ved frekvenser 900MHz (GSM), 1800 MHz (DCS), 1900 MHz (PCS), 2100 MHz (3G), 4G LTE, samt med alle dobbeltbåndsforstærkere af de anførte frekvenser. Kapslingens beskyttelsesgrad - IP55.


10 m kabel til GSM, 4G/LTE, 3G COAX-5D-FB-10M

Universal højkvalitets koaksialkabel 10 meter langt. Velegnet til arbejde med forstærkere ved frekvenser 900MHz (GSM), 1800 MHz (DCS), 1900 MHz (PCS), 2100 MHz (3G), 4G LTE, samt med alle dobbeltbåndsforstærkere af de anførte frekvenser. Kapslingens beskyttelsesgrad - IP55.


15 m kabel til GSM, 4G/LTE, 3G COAX-5D-FB-15M

15m-kablet kan bruges med både eksterne og interne antenner og er designet til at transmittere et signal på GSM -, 4G -, 3G-frekvensområdet samt flere frekvenser samtidigt. Kapslingens beskyttelsesgrad - IP55.


20 m kabel til GSM, 4G/LTE, 3G COAX-5D-FB-20M

Dette koaksialkabel er velegnet til signaloverførsel ved frekvenser 900MHz (GSM), 1800MHz (DCS), 1900MHz (PCS), 2100MHz (3G), 4G LTE, samt alle dobbeltbåndsforstærkere af de anførte frekvenser.

Vi anbefaler ikke at vælge for lange kabler, fordi de kan påvirke kvaliteten af det transmitterede signal negativt. Kapslingens beskyttelsesgrad - IP55.


Cable for GSM, 5G, 4G and 3G COAX-7D-FB-10M

This high-quality coaxial cable is a universal variant for different devices, including our mobile phone signal boosters for calls and mobile internet that work with GSM, 4G LTE and/or 3G, 5G networks. It is very important to use cables of an appropriate length to avoid the deterioration of the quality of the improved signal. On our website, you can order these cables of different lengths. The Ingress Protection Code is IP55.


40m Cable for GSM, 5G, 4G and 3G COAX-7D-FB-40M

This 40m physical foam coaxial cable has its primary uses in radio communication, broadcasting, networking, among other applications. All of our boosters that support 5G, 4G, GSM, and 3G are compatible with it. The cable has an impedance of 50 ohm. The Ingress Protection Code is IP55. To improve efficiency, it is recommended to use long cables only with advanced powerful boosters, not with the basic ones.

50m Cable for 5G, GSM, 4G and 3G COAX-7D-FB-50M

The cable is a physical foam coaxial cable that is largely utilized in radio communications, broadcasting, networking, and other applications. The cable length is 50m. This product can be used with any of our mobile signal boosters, which function on 5G, 4G, GSM, and 3G networks. It has a 50 ohm impedance. The Ingress Protection Code is IP55. To improve performance, it is suggested to use long cables only with advanced high-power boosters, and not with basic ones.

60m Cable for 5G, 4G, GSM, and 3G COAX-7D-FB-60M

This 60m physical foam coaxial cable has the primary use in telephony, broadcasting, networking, and other applications. Using this product is possible with any of our mobile signal boosters, which work on 5G, 4G, GSM, and 3G networks. The cable impedance corresponds to 50 ohm. The Ingress Protection Code is equivalent to IP55. Long cables should only be used with advanced high-power repeaters for performance improvement, but not with basic models.

100m Cable for 5G, 4G, GSM, and 3G COAX-7D-FB-100M

This 100m physical foam coaxial cable is predominantly used to conduct telephone calls, transmit video and data, and is also useful with our mobile signal boosters, which operate on 5G, 4G, GSM, and 3G networks. The cable's impedance is 50 ohm and the Ingress Protection Code is the same as IP55. To maximize performance, choose long cables only with modern, powerful amplifiers, not basic models.



Lyn- / overspændingsbeskyttelse NS-LSP

En lynafleder er en enhed designet til at forhindre beskadigelse af signalforstærkersystemet i tilfælde af lynnedslag på en ekstern antenne. Hvis du bor i et område, der er tilbøjeligt til hyppige tordenvejr, anbefales det at bruge en lynbeskyttelse mellem den eksterne antenne og forstærkeren for at beskytte den mod skader. Jordledningen leveres med enheden. Kapslingens beskyttelsesgrad - IP55. Læs mere om princippet om drift og installation af en lynafleder.


Splittere og koblinger


5/6dB cavity coupler NS-CP-6D

This is 5/6dB cavity coupler for 698~2700MHz, N Female. This waterproof coupler with a coupling value of up to 6 dB helps to avoid mobile signal power losses in the process of signal transmission within a series of antennas. It is recommended to install this booster set accessory indoors. This coupler can be used with any other accessories as well as all GSM, 4G, 3G signal boosters that you can see on our website. The Ingress Protection Code is IP55.


7/8dB cavity coupler NS-CP-8D

This 7/8dB cavity coupler is for 698~2700MHz, N Female. This coupler is recommended to be used for installing GSM, 4G LTE, 3G mobile phone signal repeaters with a series of antennas. This element will help to avoid any power losses that can negatively influence the quality of the signal while it is being transmitted from one antenna to another. The coupling value is 7/8 dB. The Ingress Protection Code is IP55. The accessory is waterproof and is compatible with all the boosters that we offer.


10/15/20dB cavity coupler NS-CP-15D

A 10/15/20dB cavity coupler for 698~2700MHz, N Female, is suitable for being installed with any kind of mobile phone signal boosters, including repeaters intended for GSM, 4G LTE and 3g cellular networks. The accessory has a coupling value of up to 20 dB. It will help to minimize the risks of losing the signal power while the signal is being sent from one antenna to another within a series of antennas. The Ingress Protection Code is IP55.


Tovejs splitter NS-WS-2W

En splitter til 2 udgange er nødvendig, hvis du har brug for at forbedre signalet i to rum på samme tid, og kraften i en intern antenne ikke er nok til dette.  Splitteren opererer i frekvensområdet 698-960 MHz & 1710-2690 MHz og er velegnet til alle AnyTone og Nikrans forstærkere. Kapslingens beskyttelsesgrad - IP55. Et 2 meter kabel medfølger.


Trevejs splitter NS-WS-3W

Hvis du har brug for at forstærke det cellulære signal i tre rum, og kraften i den interne standard antenne ikke er nok, har du desuden brug for en splitter (opdelere). De bruges oftest til signalforstærkning i fleretages bygninger, såsom hoteller, hypermarkeder eller forretningscentre. Opdeleren fungerer i frekvensområdet 698-960 MHz & 1710-2690 MHz. Kapslingens beskyttelsesgrad - IP55. Opdeleren leveres med et 2 meter kabel.


Firevejs splitter NS-WS-4W

Den mest effektive splitter til forstærkning af det cellulære signal i store bygninger er splittermodellen med fire udgange. Opdeleren opererer i området 698-960 MHz & 1710-2690 MHz og er velegnet til alle Nikrans forstærkere. Kapslingens beskyttelsesgrad - IP55. Splitteren leveres med et 2 meter kabel.



Power Supply NS-PS-5V2A

The NS-PS-5V2A power supply is a compact and efficient solution for powering your appliances from standard household outlets. It is compatible with a range of electronic devices including the 5G, 4G, GSM and 3G signal boosters featured on our website. Its lightweight and durable design makes it ideal for use in the home, office or other environments.

Power Supply NS-PS-5V3A

The NS-PS-5V3A power supply can be used to provide energy for your appliances from standard household outlets. It is compatible with various electronic devices like the 5G, 4G, GSM, and 3G signal boosters we have on our website. Due to its lightweight and durable design, it is ideal for use in homes, offices, or other environments.

Power Supply NS-PS-12V5A

By plugging into standard household outlets, the NS-PS-12V5A power supply provides a source of energy for your devices. It can be used with various electronic appliances, among others the 5G, 4G, GSM, and 3G signal boosters that are listed on our website. A design that is both lightweight and durable makes the NS-PS-12V5A a great option for use in homes, offices, or other locations.

Power Supply NS-PS-24V5A

The NS-PS-24V5A power supply is a source of energy for your appliances when connected to standard household outlets. It is also suitable for using electronics such as the 5G, 4G, GSM, and 3G signal boosters listed on our website. The NS-PS-24V5A offers the advantages of being both lightweight and durable, which makes it a great choice for use at homes, institutions, offices, or other places.

5V2A vehicle power supply NS-PS-5V

This 5V2A vehicle power supply is a lightweight and compact power supply that can be installed in vehicles of different types and sizes. It should be plugged directly into vehicle cigarette lighter and is compatible with the majority of modern devices designed for drivers including all GSM, 4G and 3G mobile phone signal boosters available on our website. The Ingress Protection Code is IP55.


24V/5V or 12V/5V power adapter NS-PS-12V

This 24V/5V or 12V/5V on your choice high-quality power adapter should be plugged into a wall outlet in order to convert 12V or 24V power from the outlet to 5V power needed for the safe and correct functioning of your booster. The power adapter can be compatible with all the cell phone signal repeaters available in the MyAmplifiers online catalogue. The Ingress Protection Code is IP55.


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