Any person in the modern rapidly developing society has no right to be disappointed with the quality of gsm signal and cell phone reception in general. Cell phone boosters are here to make everyone happy about mobile connection at home, office, garage and parking lot, basement and a car! There is a wide variety of gsm boosters by AnyTone and Nikrans and every user has a chance to choose the most suitable one according to his or her taste, ways of usage and demands.

In view of this let us draw your attention to 900 mhz gsm signal boosters! This frequency is standard for most mobile operators of the European Union. Among them the best-selling are the following models: Nikrans MA130, NS-GSM-A for car, and AT800. These gsm signal boosters are very popular and catch even the lowest signal from the mobile base station and amplify it on a professional level making it more powerful and stable. They are beautiful, compact and practical, with metal and resistant to various damages casing! 900 mhz gsm signal boosters work at the frequency of 900 mhz, so are suitable for synchronazing with most mobile operators of the European Union.


If your mobile operator works at the frequency of 1800 mhz which is also widespread in Europe, our 1800 mhz gsm signal boosters will suit you perfectly. At your disposal are gsm boosters AnyTone AT6000 D and AnyTone AT6200 D. These gsm boosters are rather popular among the users and characterized by high efficiency and no-failure work. For being more confident about the frequency your mobile operator uses, to all our clients we recommend to check the working frequency of your mobile operators using Helper on our website.

If you need to boost gsm signals at these two frequencies simulteniously AnyTone's pleased to introduce you our special devices – so-called dual band boosters. Now you don't need to purchase two special boosters – use a dual band booster for improving different gsm signals. Our dual band boosters are designed specially for getting better reception of gsm signals at different frequencies. Attractive features of AnyTone dual band cell phone signal boosters are their ability to produce no radiation and to maintain high efficiency within the different climate zones with high and low temperatures and humidity. Such a broadband feature of dual band cell phone signal boosters is very convenient.

All AnyTone gsm signal boosters are delivered in a kit, which includes two antennas (internal and external), a cable, a power supply, a user's manual and a gsm signal booster. You don't need any special skills for installation of the booster – just follow the tips in the manual and set up your booster. For questions and issues we suggest you to contact AnyTone's customer service.