Hello everybody. My name is Camilla. I am from Italy and I need your help immediately. The thing is I am really not an expert in everything connected with house. Now you can imagine how scared I was when I understood that there is no cell phone signal in the bathroom… I can’t talk with my friends while taking bath! I asked my boyfriend to help me to find the best solution. He said that he heard about a device called mobile signal amplifier. I have no idea what means amplifier but I hope you can tell me this. So I need a cell phone amplifier to cover 80m2. Can you advise me one of your 2g boosters for home?
Good morning Camilla. We are very glad to meet you and we are almost sure that you underestimate yourself. You don’t have to be able to move mountains or build a time machine. Besides, we are here to help our clients in such situations. Now we will explain you everything about gsm boosters (or cell phone amplifiers as your friend said). These are amazing devices manufactured to solve the problems with gsm signal coverage. Your problems are caused by the lack of mobile signal in your bath.
Our 2g extenders intensify the signal that comes from the base station to the phone and as a result extend the signal coverage. In other words, they generate a “copy” of a signal and transmit it to your cell phone. Isn’t it simple? We remind to all our clients that before ordering a mobile signal amplifier, you have to clear what frequency your mobile operator works at using our Search form for that purpose.
However, we see that you reside in Italy where all operators work at 900MHz frequency. So if you are sure that you need to cover 80m2, here is what we can offer you. We can recommend you two models of 2g signal amplifiers. The first one is Nikrans MA130. This mobile booster is made for small areas and covers up to 130m2. The second one cell phone extender you can buy is Anytone IG-10. Its capacity is enough to cover up to 180 m2. The difference is little but we recommend you to buy this model. Don’t be afraid that a stronger device is bigger because that isn’t right. All its strength is inside.
Your mobile needs very little place but provide you benefits like stable gsm signal and as a result good mood. You should also know that our repeaters reduce the level of radiation emitted by your cell phone. So using a cell phone amplifier you not only improve signal and coverage but also protect your health. Contact us for any other questions, read FAQ and of course order the 2G signal booster you have chosen!