Can you imagine a day without a cell phone when you need to make an urgent call and you cannot do that? When you are late at work and cannot let your family know about it? When you’re stuck into a horrible traffic jam and your boss is flying into a rage? That’s a true nightmare, is not it? For these and many other reasons the best technical specialists designed a cell phone booster that let you forget about all the troubles related to poor mobile connection.

cell phone booster

The cell phone repeater amplifies the weak mobile signal coming from the mobile base station. Having boosted the signal, the cell phone booster ensures your comfortable communication within its coverage area. So if you are thinking of purchasing a cell phone amplifier take a look at the list of benefits the tool can offer you:

•    No matter how many people use the mobile phone in the area of amplified signal – they can all speak as long as they need being sure that the cell amplifier provides them with reliable connection. The only condition is to stay within the coverage area.

•    Being easy to install the cell phone amplifier doesn’t require much time for mounting. Besides, you do not need a specialist to set it up as you can perfectly do it on your own having read the manual beforehand.

•    The repeater set comes with all necessary details, so you won’t need any extra accessory, which saves both your money and time. Moreover, wireless technology makes communication much more convenient and easier.

•    There is a wide array of cell phone booster sets that differ by coverage area, purpose (vehicle or indoor) and frequencies. So be sure to find the right tool for your personal needs and requirements.

•    You might have noticed that every cell phone amplifier by Nikrans can work in all environmental conditions as its temperature limits are from -25 to +55 and humidity limits equal 5-95 per cent. So except the cases when you need the device for special industrial or military purposes, you do not have to be afraid of compatibility of the mobile repeater with the environment.

•    What is no less important in practical aspect, the cell phone amplifier increases battery life. The reason is the cell phone does not have to waste its power on searching for a poor signal – the stronger the signal, the longer battery will work.

•    And one of the best advantages of the cell phone amplifier is the equipment decreases the level of radiation that comes from your mobile phone. So, using the booster you not only amplify the gsm signal but also protect your health.

If you are thinking of purchasing a cell phone amplifier but have some doubts or questions, feel free to consult our support team. Our specialists will give you every detail and explanation you need and help you to make the right choice.